Thursday, September 2, 2010

Get Ready . . .

It's time for another Mystery Post, in which I totally punk out on producing anything of real substance or merit and instead pull an unlabeled, and therefore mysterious and exciting, photo from my poorly organized files. (It is SO mysterious and exciting, dammit.)

So! Today, on the third day of above-90-degree weather, despite the fact that it is--HELLO!--September and should be cool now, I thought it would be fun to pull a photo from winter. Specifically, New Year's Day 2007. And what do we have from that day?

We have Otty with snow on her nose and a gate rendered damn near inoperable thanks to a snowstorm.

There! Wasn't that fun? Yes. And now you can go on with your day with a lighter heart and a more jolly frame of mind thanks to the fun we have here on Going Country.

Or something.


Sara said...

Looking at that snow makes me love that's it's going to be over 90 degrees today. And I hate it when it's that hot. But I hate snow even more.

Anonymous said...

Snoooooooooowww...aaaaaaahhhhhh. Thanks. Beth

Anonymous said...

Someday it will be cool again. Thanks for posting that I needed hope to make it through today.
