Friday, December 2, 2011

A Trip to Hallmark

Today is my newest niece's birthday--this would be my sister's fiance's daughter, so technically a step-niece, but let's just dispense with all that "step" nonsense, shall we? So, Newest Niece, hereinafter referred to as N.N. because it's shorter, is turning 1o today. The significance of this event to you will be explained later, but first! A short story about a birthday card.

I don't usually send birthday cards, but I made an exception for N.N. Cubby and I were in the Small City on Tuesday, specifically to go to the mall.

I sort of feel as if I should enclose "the mall" in quotes (like, uh, that), to convey to you how unlike this particular mall is to the sort of malls you're probably thinking of. I think it has two dozen stores. A Small Mall for a Small City.


I had some birthday and Christmas presents to buy, so off we went. And while we were there, we stopped in at the Hallmark store for a card for N.N.

I should explain some logistics of moving around with Cubby. Despite his earlier love of his stroller, he does not love it now and will not be contained. So I have the choice of either carrying him, which is somewhat detrimental to my back after a short while, or putting him down. This usually results in him eventually making a beeline for something inappropriate, being pulled back, getting mad, and then I have to pick him up again anyway. It's a challenge.

By the time we got to the Hallmark store, my back was due for a break, so I put him down.

Bad plan.

You know what Hallmark stores look like, right? All those cards! So many pictures! RIGHT AT TODDLER LEVEL.

Cubby stood there for a second while I surveyed the MASSIVE rack of cards (From the Group, For a Preteen Boy, You're Old and Here's a Rude and Not-Very-Funny Card) (that last ones's not a real category, but I think you know what I'm talking about) trying to see where to even start. And then he was off. He pulled out a card. So I said, quite reasonably, "Okay, you can look at that one. But just that one, okay?"

Sure, Mom.

Five seconds later, he had a stack of cards in one hand and was racing down the aisle straight towards the lady at the end who was giving me a look that clearly questioned my ability to control my child.

No, lady. I can't control him. Bet you couldn't either.

Anyway, I chased after him, and when I caught him, took away the cards. Then I looked at them. He had a few of all the same card, and lo and behold, they were specifically birthday cards for a niece. Well then! Our work here is done! Thank you for picking out N.N.'s card, Cubby, and let's get right out of this store before you find the highly breakable seasonal ornaments!

That's how shopping with toddlers goes.

Okay! Now here's where you come in. Now that I've made N.N. famous (HAHA) online, it's time for all you people out there to join me in wishing her a happy birthday in the comments. So everyone who left comments yesterday discussing ironing*? Stick a happy birthday for N.N. in that comment box, would you? And everyone else, too. GO!

* Thank you, by the way, for the numerous comments on what is essentially the dullest topic ever. It's nice to have company in my lameness.


Anonymous said...

Takes a kid to pick out a card for a kid.
Happy Birthday N.N.

Anonymous said...

My husband has a knack for always picking out the most perfect card. I think it's a gift. Happy Birthday, NN!

Sandy Shoes

Anonymous said...

Thank you Aunt Kristin! I will make certain that N.N. reads the post. After a birthday breakfast of chocolate chip cookies and a box of homemade chocolate meringues for the class, she has scurried off to school but will open Cubby's card tonight.

Thank you again!


Phoo-D said...

Happy Birthday NN! 1 is a big deal!

Anonymous said...

NN, congratulations on reaching what is, arguably, the beginning of your teen years. Happy Birthday!

Sister’s Sailor said...

No teen years in my house, I have my faithful Heeler to keep her in check when we are not around.

Thanks for the laughter, I can just see it playing out in my mind, since I have to walk by a card store to get to my office every day.

We will make sure she get's her 10 and a pinch from everyone!

jive turkey said...

Happy Birthday, NN! You're in the double digits now!

Tina - Our Rustic Roots said...

Happy 10th Birthday, N.N.! I hope your day was great!

mil said...

Happy birthday to newest niece from what must be her newest great aunt.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, NN. Mary in MN

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday N.N. !!


Joellen said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY N.N.! I hope you have a great birthday.

rls said...

Happy Birthday! Welcome to double digits!!

Sister’s Sailor said...

NN wanted to thank everyone her birthday wishes! As do I and Moi.

Have a great weekend everyone!

FinnyKnits said...

Happy 1-0! I hope your card made it to you unscathed :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday N. N.!

(See, your readers can follow directions. If only the rest of life were so easy.)