Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Whelming Is Close To Over Levels

Five out of the six members of the family are now sick with a nasty cold. I am the sole holdout, which I suppose I should be thankful for, since I would still be up all night with the sick baby and toddler, preparing tea and soup, and generally coddling all the sick ones even if I were sick myself.

I am very tired.

Poppy had another eczema flare-up. The only thing I had started eating regularly again was eggs. So either she's allergic to eggs, or it has nothing to do with what I'm eating. On the off chance that it really is what I'm eating, now I have to go back to meat and vegetables (almost literally ad nauseam)to see if it helps.

Baseball season rages on, with games or practices six days a week after early dinners. Though at least when kids are sick I have a good excuse to skip some of the games.

We're moving in five weeks. I have all of three boxes packed, and I am at something of a loss as to how I'm supposed to pack everything else and get this rental house clean with four small destroyers on the loose at all times.

It will happen, though. Somehow. The colds will go away; the eczema will eventually clear up; baseball season and school will end (at almost exactly the same time); and we will pack all our belongings into a truck and drive away.

I just have to get from here to there. Send some positive vibes my way, okay? Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Good , good, good vibrations...coming your way and if I were closer I would come to help. You don't know me?
So bad I want to help ...that is the kind of vibes I am sending your way.Take care of you and this too shall pass.
Please don't think this is weird I am just a helpful person. :)

Anonymous said...

There are some shots( I don't know which ones) that if you are allergic to eggs you can't take.

Anonymous said...

Can you say where you are going? Back to Blackrock? A house in the same area? Curious! Mary in MN

tu mere said...

Poor you, poor Poppy, poor everyone! Great diet you've got going there; that's about all the positive I can come up with. You do know I'd fly out tomorrow if you thought that would help. Guess I'll just have to wait until you're only 9 hrs away for that to happen. Always sending good vibrations; I'll just up the voltage! Hang in there my love, there's not much else you can do.

Anonymous said...

Sending good karma your way in this overwhelming time for you.