Friday, August 29, 2008

My Dog, the Moron

I know I already posted today, but this was too good not to share . . .

So there I was in the kitchen this morning, gearing up to make a shitload of spaghetti sauce for canning. Mia was in there with me, sniffing around the recyclables on the floor. And I turn from the stove to see this:

A little help here, Mom?

Being the concerned dog-parent that I am, I stood there laughing for about five minutes, then ran to get the camera and took two pictures before I finally freed her head from the oats container. She just stood there quietly, turning her oat-encrusted face towards the sound of my laughter, waiting patiently for me to rescue her.

I'm going to hell.


It's me said...

That's hilarious!

And don't forget to post your recipe. I'm doing tomatoes at the end of this month.

moi said...

Considering our pet's primary reason for existing on this earth is our amusement, I would have done the same. Have done the same....Go Mia!

Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

This has nothing to do with your moron dog. Just found a poster I thought you'd like.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

That's funny. My hair looks JUST LIKE THAT when I'm canning. And my apron is always that clean.

Anonymous said...

You will have lots of fun company in hell, because I and all of my favorite people have already decided we're going, too, for similar things.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one who laughs at their pets when they get something stuck on their head or can't find their way out from under a blanket (which happens to Lucy a lot more than you'd think).

Just to make you feel better, once I put a french fry at the bottom of my Wendy's bag because I knew Lucy would go after it and get the bag stuck on her head. And she did! And I laughed! I might even be laughing about it right now.

Anonymous said...

Would you think I'm crazy if I told you I'm in love with your kitchen sink? Yes, I notice things like kitchen sinks in photos of dogs. Dog is adorable. Sink makes me want to live in your kitchen.

Anonymous said...


Dang I'm easily entertained. Hey, I wonder what kind of a can a chicken can get stuck on its head?

I'm sure Mia's over her deep resentment of you by now. When Jabber got the ribbons from last christmas stuck on his head, he let us pet him almost immediately.

x said...


P.S. Love your kitchen sink.