Tuesday, September 16, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, I introduced you to the wood pile.

Last weekend, I ranted about how I couldn't get wood for the woodstove*, because of the high demand this year.

On Sunday, A. did this:

High fashion, woodchuck-style: cut-offs and work boots.

And then, just yesterday, The New York Times published this article. In case you're one of those people who never clicks on links, the title of the article is, "As Oil and Gas Prices Rise, Wood Stoves Gain Converts." Let me just take this opportunity to say . . .


* I finally got through to the guy. But he can't deliver the wood for another month. Because he's so busy. Bah.


Sweet Bird said...

If I were ever so brazen to wear cut off shorts while working around wood I would actually lose my shins. Hell, even when I wear work pants while chopping wood my shins end up a bloody, bruised mess. Who knew firewood could fly so far?

Anonymous said...

I read that article yesterday and thought of you!

FinnyKnits said...

Are there states that don't have laws about burning wood in fireplaces and cookstoves? Even though our house is old enough to have come with a wood burning fireplace, new houses have to have gas, so they're out of luck.

Not that I expect you to know the status of every state's wood burning laws, but was just wondering aloud. Right here in your comments.


Anonymous said...

My hubby cut and sold wood for three years. And he looked as great as yours in his work clothes.

Seriously, five years ago there wasn't much of a market for wood around here. Now, I'm betting if he went back in the bidness our phone would ring off the hook.

krysta said...

i wish i had a wood burning fire place not that that would matter though. in california we are told when we can or cannot burn.

Anonymous said...

You gotta admit, the cut offs and work boots are hawt in a weird way.