Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Second Verse, Same as the First

I only got through about a third of the enormous pile of wood to be stacked yesterday. This had a lot to do with the fact that it was 79 DEGREES yesterday. What the hell is THAT about? In case you've never had the pleasure of carrying and stacking wood, I should mention that if one is not wearing gloves and long sleeves, one's arms and hands will get ripped all to shit. The "one" in this case being "me," of course, because I don't want to wear long sleeves to work when it's warm and humid. And now my forearms are red and angry.

However, it is much cooler this morning--I would almost say nippy--and is looking like a much nicer wood-stacking day. I'm going to try to finish stacking today so I can put the tarps on before it rains tomorrow.

It is also much nicer weather for canning pears and SURPRISE! I have a lot of that to do, too. I only managed to do seven quarts yesterday before my hand cramped up too much and I gave up. I fear I will have arthritis in my hands at an early age. But what's a little arthritis compared to home-canned pears in the dead of winter? Am I right? Right.

'Kay, I'm out. Peace.


Kay said...

I sympathize with your arms. No wood stacking here but straw bales are just as bad. (and those you do in July--HOT weather!)

Those pears, canning is good and so is drying. You can find dehydrators at W-mart or thrift stores. Unfortunately you still have to peel them.
I have 3/4 of a 5-gal bucket of apples waiting for me. I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

Have 7 more boxes of apples to make into sauce or something. Don't we all just love canning season? At least apples don't drip juice down your arm and off your elbow!

I'm glad I'm not the only one that has to use one of those very attractive tarps for wood. Hubby had to buy a new one yesterday. My only instructions is that it better not be bright blue or equally as bright shamrock green...please get brown I implored. I have yet to go look at the woodpile to see if he heeded my warning. He hates brown tarps because they are more expensive...he's a cheap son of a gun!

MsPicketToYou said...

same weather here. just when i packed all the warm weather clothes away, figures.

should i send my address? those pears look deelish.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but every time I hear the word "nippy," I have to share this:

"Yeah, it is a bit nipply out. I mean nippy. What am I saying, nipple?"

(And I hope you know what that's from and don't just think I'm a huge perv. I mean, I am a huge perv, but I also enjoy movies.)

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Thank you, J.T., for a quote from that fabulous movie, "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." I almost made a joke about nipply in the post, but I refrained. I figured someone else would pick up on it. You win!