Friday, December 26, 2008

Twiddling My Thumbs

December 26th has always been a nothing day for me. This is because my birthday is on the 27th*, so the 26th is The Day After Christmas AND The Day Before My Birthday. With no joyous occasion resulting in gifts for me, December 26th may as well not exist.

Especially because on THIS December 26th, A. had to go to work and the house is a wreck, so I will be not so much twiddling my thumbs as employing them in picking up and vacuuming. What a buzzkill, man.

However! I have a small pile of birthday presents awaiting me, as well as the anticipation of an actual dinner out at an actual restaurant, which means I actually won't be cooking OR doing dishes tomorrow. SWEET.

So December 26th can just be over already. I'm ready for it to be the 27th.

* Don't worry--you still have time to send me a gift! I'm told e-mailed gift certificates arrive almost instantaneously.


Anonymous said...

What are you talking about! This is the biggest sale day of the year at the stores. Bargains, bargains. Go out and buy yourself a pre-birthday gift! I buy myself a birthday gift each year just to show how much I appreciate myself! Mary in MN

mil said...

Ah, Mary in MN, you should know that an anti-shopping aura emanates from me and infects all around me. I'm afraid that the last thing any of us ever hopes to do is bargain-hunting on a prime shopping day.

But I hope you're out there doing your part for the economy in the Mall of America.

Anonymous said...

I'm with MiL on that one. I cannot imagine anything I would like to do less than go shopping on the day after Thanksgiving or the day after Christmas. Ugh.

FinnyKnits said...

I've asked before for your address, but I will not beg, Missy!

Send it to me now for I have a gift I need to send you.

Happy 12/27 tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! At least you get seperate presents unlike some of us.... hmmm.... who could that be? Oh yea! Me! I get a birthday/Christmas present. Sigh.
Enjoy your dinner!

Susan said...

I am going to clean my house tomorrow, for you, for your birthday. I would clean yours, but I can't reach it from where I'm sitting.
Happy day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

I always spend the 26th at Target buying wrapping paper and useless Christmas shit for next year. I'm a glutton for punishment that way.

Marie said...

Joyeux Anniversaire Kristin ! (I know I'm late...) Today is my father's birthday, and the 29th of December is not so great either... Everybody keeps forgetting to buy him presents - but this year I brought him a bottle of Moroccan wine (I think it would have been a good present for you too. Maybe next year?) Good luck for the cleaning.