Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Sunrise is Overrated

Warning: Due to my lack of sleep, it is entirely possible this post will make no sense at all. Just so you know.

A. left this morning for a two-week trip out west, and I dropped him off at the airport. You know the reverse calculations that occur when you're trying to figure out what time you have to be at the airport, what time you have to leave home, etc.? Yeah, for A.'s flight this morning, that went like this, "Okay, the flight leaves at 6:55 a.m. So assuming he should be at the airport an hour early, that means at the airport at 6 a.m. The airport is an hour and a half away, so we have to leave at 4:30 a.m. And THAT means we have to get up at . . . oh, shit. 3:30. In the morning. This is gonna hurt."

And it did.

A. was annoyingly chipper and cheery while we were sitting at the kitchen table, him eating breakfast, me slumping in my chair and glaring at him while he made jokes. He asked why I was so grumpy. I said because it's FOUR IN THE MORNING, YOU INSANE PERSON.

It was still dark when we left the house. It didn't get fully light until about 5 a.m. I know, because at that point I was slumped in the passenger seat of the car, glaring out the window at the sun. There was a lot of slumping and glaring this morning.

I made it home by a little after 7 a.m., in desperate need of food and a bathroom, both of which I have secured. Now it's 7:30 a.m., and I feel like my day should already be over. Only 12 more hours until I can go to bed . . .


sheila said...

naps are good just ask the dogs they'll tell you

mdvelazquez said...

It is times like this when being an insomniac comes in handy. :-)

I drive my husband crazy because I'm always in a chipper mood in the morning.

I hope the day speeds by for you.

Aunt Krissy said...

I used to get up at 3.30am all the time as I would have to be at work at 5am. Had to make time in the am to walk the dog, do all the morning stuff and get to work on time. I love my new job. I get up now at 5.30am. hard to break the early morning habit.

Anonymous said...

Man, I didn't mean to make A. leave town because I asked about his sports career . ;)

Chiot's Run said...

He was so chipper because he didn't have to make the 1.5 hour drive home alone and that insame hour of the morning.

SaintTigerlily said...

Waking up that early makes my stomach hurt. I prefer to see dawn from the other end...

(Incidentally my word verification is "cropsit" which is, I imagine, when you have someone babysit your farm?)

FinnyKnits said...

I do believe you have earned yourself a cocktail fueled nap on the beach today.

Because WHOA getting up in the 3s is mean.