Sunday, July 26, 2009

Blessed Nuptials and Wedded Bliss

Today A. and I celebrate six years of wedded bliss. Well, as in all relationships, the bliss has been thin on the ground some days, but overall, two thumbs up.

I think the following exchange sums it up well:

A.: I'm glad we're still pretty happy after all these years.

Me: Yup. Better'n the alternative.

P.S. This conversation occurred in A.'s truck yesterday, a day that was hot and sunny and humid. A.'s truck overheats, which means the heater has to be going full blast when it's hot, to cool the engine down. I think the fact that I was half-dead from heatstroke and hanging out the window like a dog in an attempt to cool down, and yet still replied in a positive way, is a testament to our relationship.


Anonymous said...

That's how it goes around here...everything is half broken. Does A. know how to change a thermostat? May be your overheating problem.
Oh, and happy anniversary.

Phoo-D said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you both have a fun time celebrating today.

Mayberry Magpie said...

Six years? You are babes.

I'm a crusty old married woman. And as such, there's probably no way I'd ever ride in an unairconditioned truck with the heater on. You personify true love.

And (exceptionally) good humor.

tami bami wami said...

I agree with mayberry magpie except i'm not a crusty old married woman. *grin*

Happy Anniversary!!!

P.s. anyone know why there is a picture of a wheelchair next to word verification when leaving your comment?

Chiot's Run said...

Congrats you two! It only gets better from here :)

rls said...

Happy Anniversary!

The wheelchair thing indicates that if you have a handicap (blindness or really bad vision, I guess) and can't see the verification word, click on that icon and your comptuer will spell the word to you or something, and you can type it in after hearing it. Not sure exactly how it works since I've never used it.

Sweet Bird said...

Happy Anniversary!

You're a better woman than me - heat and humidity turn me into insano-bitch. God save our marriage after we move to NC.

Amy said...

"the heater has to be going full blast when it's hot, to cool the engine down"

You, too?! Me and the hubs conversation goes like this:
"Why do you hate me? The heater has to be on? In 98 degree heat?"
"I don't hate you. I'm just trying to help you lose weight."

moi said...

Congrats you two! Yea on 6 years and I hope you have a great year to come!

me again said...

happy anniversary and here's to many, many, many more!

Daisy said...

Congratulations!! Love expresses itself in the strangest moments. You are indeed meant for each other.

Sara said...

Happy anniversary! Congratulations on surviving six years together.

Julie said...

That's awesome..congrats to you both!

mdvelazquez said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Awww...Happy Anniversary!

Susan said...

Happy anniversary!