Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Been Awhile Since We've Talked About My Dinner

Allow me to remedy that.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Yes, there will be corned beef and cabbage on the table at Blackrock tonight, but since the same can be said of millions of households, that dinner is not unique or exciting enough to discuss here. Last night's dinner, however, was. Unique and exciting, I mean.

No, really.

See, last night we had chicken Kiev, mashed potatoes, and stewed leeks. I trust you need no explanation of mashed potatoes and stewed leeks. All you need to know about those is that they are both vegetables from last year's garden. Chicken Kiev is pounded chicken breasts wrapped around matchsticks of butter and herbs, then breaded and fried. It is, essentially, a way to add lots of fat to a basically fat-free meat. Because Blackrock is most emphatically NOT a fat-free sort of house.

I'm sure that comes as a surprise to exactly no one.


The herbs in the chicken were chives and chervil. The chervil was a substitute for the suggested parsley or tarragon. And the reason the chervil was used was because both it and the chives are growing in the garden at this very moment. Which means (look! I'm finally getting around to the unique and exciting part!) that last night's dinner included both the last of last year's garden and the first of this year's garden.

I found that very pleasing, in a circle-of-life kind of way.

See? Unique and exciting, right? Told you so.


Phoo-D said...

I love how you all eat from the garden in a year-round fashion. It is an inspiration!

Cindy S. said...

Every time you post about food, I'm just relieved to find its not another story about the delicacy otherwise known as squirrel. I'm still recovering...

Anonymous said...

yeah, can't wait for garden goodies this season......good to be self-ish sufficient. :)

word verification 'quaed'

somewhere between coed and male only

FinnyKnits said...

Oh I DO like that. A lot. Your full circle meal - those always feel like a big triumph to me.

I like it best when I can survey my dinner and know that every ingredient was either grown or made by my own hands.

Also, I'm glad that there wasn't any roadkill involved in this meal of yours.

rls said...

Yum, chicken Kiev. I'ma go make myself a ham sammie before running off to rehearsal. (sob) How's the ant infestation?