Thursday, April 29, 2010

Giving the Finger to the Snow

That finger being, of course, a green thumb.

Transplant of (some of) the tomato seedlings complete. And in a totally unplanned, and yet completely appropriate, move, I had a BL-no-T yesterday after transplanting these. No T because the T is waiting on these little gems to grow up and make luscious, luscious fruit.

I CAN'T WAIT.Align Center


Phoo-D said...

Your tomatoes are coming along nicely! Mine are about the same size, and I'm with you. Totally can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I cannot WAIT for real tomatoes. The grocery store impostors get less and less edible each year.

FinnyKnits said...

I can't believe you said BLT when are so far from BLT Season! UGH!

But good job on your plantings and your big green thumb :)

Anonymous said...

You know, it is sad how a BLT without the T isn't nearly as good as one with T.
Now, come on T. Real T.

word verification flero

How Zorro handled his sword .....with flero.