Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cubby Goes to Sea

Okay, so it wasn't so much the sea as the lake, but sea sounds better. "Cubby Goes to Lake" just doesn't work, you know?


Yesterday was hot and hazy and generally nasty. A. had been working all day at various sweat-inducing tasks and was ready to be done and cleaned up by 4 p.m. So he decided the time had come for the First Swim of 2010. Cubby and I accompanied him to the beach, though we did not go in. I would have, except I had to stay with the baby. And I don't really like to swim in the lake all that much. Especially since A. told me about the water snakes.



Before A. jumped in the water, we took a little spin in his boat. This was Cubby's first nautical adventure. He seemed . . . perplexed. He didn't cry, but I didn't see any smiles either. Just the tiny furrowing of the brow and a lot of fixed staring at the oars moving.

I'll call that a success.

Then, while A. was swimming, Cubby and I stood on the water's edge and let the waves tickle our toes. Okay, so actually I kept him right at the edge where only the most vigorous waves could reach his tiny toes, and whenever they did, he would actually gasp and his legs would shoot up like a little frog. He didn't scream, though. So I kept letting it happen. It was hilarious. For me, anyway.

I suspect we'll be spending a lot more time down at our beach now that we have a kid. Especially once he's big enough to get in water that's cooler than his bath. Which, judging by his evident displeasure at the temperature of the water yesterday, won't be for awhile yet.


Sherry said...

Pictures? Sounds like a fun way to beat the heat yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I think that my legs might have shot up just like Cubby's in that cold water.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you surely duct taped the camera to your head so you could take pictures? hee hee
That does sound cute. He is thinking and learning.
The Adventures of Cubby, the Saga Begins. I see a book/movie in the future. :) Beth

word verification 'fersedi'

language of a species found by the crew of The Enterprise

Alicia said...

Oh my goodness, how cute. I'm sure he'll love the water in no time.

Roger A. Post said...

Cubby will be hosting keggers on the beach before you know it!

rls said...

I remember the first time I tried to have my daughter stand on the grass outside. It tickled her toes, and she pulled her legs right up against her body, too...and held them there for what seemed like forever. I kept trying to put her down and she just kept yanking those legs up. I thought, "Where is she getting this muscle tone? She's three months old!"