Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Happy Discovery

Did you know zucchini actually makes a pretty decent quesadilla filling? Well, at least the Ronde de Nice zucchini do; I must assume the same is true of standard zucchini.

I mean, no one is going to mistake it for carne asada or anything, but add enough onion, garlic, chile powder, cumin, and epazote, and it's really pretty good. And God knows, anything that disposes of some of the ENTIRELY TOO PROLIFIC zucchini in a relatively appetizing manner is A-OK in my book.

I used up three whole zucchini making quesadillas for lunch yesterday. And the MiL used one to make a zucchini cake. Which leaves us with only, oh, a dozen in the refrigerator. And several more ready to be picked today.


The zucchini may end up taking over the world, but at least we won't be lacking for quesadilla makings.


Anonymous said...

Slice it thin and use it instead of noodles in lasagna.
The really good thing about zucchini is , it picks up the flavors of what it is cooked with,making it an add in to about any dish you make. And how we would be sad if all our plants died. :) Beth

word verification 'flybilit'
quick college course

Alicia said...

Slice it longways and put it on a raised cookie pan with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and cook until it's soft.

Also, chop up some onions and garlic, throw them in the pan, let them sizzle til it smells amazing, then throw in 2 zucchini and 2 squash, chopped, and some Rotel, put salt and pepper over it, and be prepared to make this dish once a week for the rest of your LIFE.

sweetbird said...

My mom used to shred it in a food processor and freeze it in plastic bags. After thawing it was perfect for zucchini bread and other baked goods.

Sherry said...

Slice zucchini (and yellow squash, if you have it). Place it in an oblong baking dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and garlic powder. Throw on chopped onion, drizzle with olive oil. Add canned chopped tomatoes and juice. Bake a half hour at 350.


Daisy said...

Would you believe I was worried that we weren't going to get any zucchini this year? Our weird weather just didn't have the squash vines thriving. Not at all. I went out today and I see the potential for at least three by midweek; I never should have doubted the power of zucchini.

Anonymous said...

Peel and slice thinly, all the zucchini and yellow squash you want to prepare. Put in heavy bottomed saucepan over low flame. Add No Water. Stir frequently until most of the water from the squash has evaporated. Remove from flame. Add sour cream and fresh dill. Great over potatoes, etc. Yah! Pennslyvania dish.

my word: ovara - suitable for a girl's or boy's name since we all came from one.