Saturday, August 7, 2010

Things Are Looking Up

After a rough start to the day because of Cubby's insistence on eating at all hours after midnight and then getting up for the day at 5:45 this morning, I was not feeling particularly optimistic about the day ahead.

Feeling like shit will do that to a person.

But then, after finally getting Cubby down for his post-wakeup nap, I went downstairs and found that A. had made the coffee, the MiL was in the midst of blueberry pancake preparation, and there was a MASSIVE rice pudding in the refrigerator that the MiL made last night.

Maybe food isn't supposed to be a cure-all, but sometimes, it's enough. And family is pretty awesome, too.


Mia said...

Amen. You are abundantly blessed :)))))

rls said...

Awesome. Now get out there and garden!

Haley said...

Food is really wonderful. It's amazing how much better you feel with a cold if someone makes you chicken noodle soup. As my grandmother says, milkshakes cure everything.

Alicia said...

mmmmm pudding....

Anonymous said...

You ARE really lucky aren't you? Nah, they love you . Beth

word verification 'barie'

smelling, looking or sounding like a bar