It occurred to me the other day that I haven't posted a picture of the garden all summer. I KNOW. What have I been
thinking? I'm sure you're all sitting at your computers every day, bitching about how there have been no photos of my tomatoes this year. SHOCKING.
I will remedy this grievous oversight today. You're welcome!
Potato jungle on the right, peppers and eggplants in the left foreground, the tomato forest in the back left . . . and weeds. WEEDS EVERYWHERE.
Sad and pathetic corn in the background, cabbages and broccoli in the foreground, various cucumbers and squashes all over the damn place . . . and HOLY GOD THE WEEDS WILL DESTROY US ALL.
A new bed the MiL dug for more cucumbers and collards in the background, beets, carrots, and parsnips in the foreground . . . and what's that? Well, I never! IT'S MORE WRETCHED WEEDS. There! Now that I have thoroughly depressed myself by viewing the state of my garden in photographic form, I'll be going. Happy Monday, poppets!
Mr. Mom and I only attempted gardening once, and the grass overtook our little backyard patch and we were so dispirited we gave up without a good fight.
How DOES one get control of the weeds? I ask honestly because I don't know. Which is why I don't garden.
There's a man in Mayberry who has the most perfect garden. Rows and rows of veggies, bordered by flowers, and not a weed in sight. Does he weed all day? I'm curious?
Aw, why is the corn sad and pathetic? Not a good year for corn?
M.M.: There are various methods--mulching with straw or newspaper to smother the weeds, blasting with chemicals, hoeing, or just plain yanking by hand. We mostly hoe and yank by hand. It's not so bad if you can do it regularly and get them when they're small. I'm guessing your neighbor spends an hour or so every day weeding. And I'm also guessing he has a garden of manageable size, unlike ours.
Grass is hard, though, because it spreads underground.
J.T.: I think I planted it too early, during unseasonably warm weather. Then it got cold and rainy and I think most of the seeds just rotted in the ground. Boo.
I'm glad other people are overcome by weeds. I was beginning to think I was the only one. Why is it a damn weed can thrive in the worst conditions but flowers and vegetables need tender loving care???
Rows? Who needs rows? The square foot gardening philosophy helps. When I plant the spinach and lettuce close together, they crowd out the weeds nicely. My tomato plants have done the same this year, but I need to leave a little more space next time. They're crowding out the peppers, too!
And the grass? There's a reason grass-roots organizing got its name. Grass roots are strong, determined, and hard to fight. (Off political soapbox now and out to check on beans)
Actually, yes, I have been waiting for your tomato photos. So, make with the tomato photos!
And you won't get any heat from me about the weeds. I have a garden a fraction the size of yours and still, there's bermuda grass (FUCKER) peaking out from every corner because I can't weed around the watermelon vines lest I break one and then have to kill myself.
So, yeah - weeds. But while there are still vegetables, I'm willing to live with the weeds. Come fall though? DEATH TO WEEDS.
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