Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's New

I talked to my sister yesterday. In response to the usual, "So, what's new with you?" question, I once again proved my complete immersion in the rural life style. What's new with us? We made maple syrup last weekend and the sheep shearer is coming on Sunday.

Welcome to Countryville, U.S.A.


Anonymous said...

Brrr for the sheep. Beth
Do you plan to make more syrup?

word verification - ungliess

shades for the wicked witch

moi said...

And I was thinking: "my god I'm so urban" when you asked me the same question. I take my dog rollerblading (how yuppie), just got the car washed (in my defense there were some funky chemicals sprayed on our trees that got on the car), had a pedicure and had a dinner party last weekend. Amazing we grew up in the same house!!

FinnyKnits said...

And that is how you know your life is awesome. Most people would have answered that question by saying, "Dunno. About the same."

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Beth: Yup. Twenty gallons of sap from just our trees yesterday and today. We'll probably have to do it the weekend following this one.