Saturday, May 28, 2011

Charity Case

I did the switchover from winter clothes to summer clothes yesterday, culling some clothes in the process. Over half of the clothes I decided to get rid of I deemed too crappy to donate to the Salvation Army. Good for nothing but rags, they are.

I think that tells you a lot about the state of my wardrobe. Sad.


Sherry said...

I can relate to that! I just took a tote box of spring/summer clothes and shoes out of the shed and replaced its contents with winter stuff. I had to discard a few pieces of winter clothing that had been stuck in the back of my closet. I've found that charity agencies are getting very picky about what they will accept so I don't bother to donate anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hee,hee, we really must be least in how we live. :)
Related by life choices not marriage or blood or anything real. Beth

word verification-beebuise

word used by usually normal adults to describe wee cute babes

Anonymous said...

If I gave away any of my clothes I would have to go out and buy something to wear. I wear it til it wears out and then hubby uses it for rags to wash the car.