Thursday, May 19, 2011


Cubby and I took a field trip last week to the place where the MiL takes riding lessons every Thursday. Also, incidentally, the place where A. took riding lessons when he was a kid. We have a family history there. Also, Cubby had never seen a horse except for the two-inch plastic one that lives in his toy barn, so we decided it was time to show him what a real horse looks like.

Well, hello there, Real Horse!

This horse (his name was Cory) wanted a carrot. But we had already given another horse a carrot, so we had used up our carrot ration for the day. Sorry, Cory. Maybe next time.

I believe Cubby was shocked by the size of the Real Horse (this is Mocha, the horse the MiL rides).

And definitely skeptical of sitting on the back of a Real Horse (Mocha again). I'm standing on a mounting block to hold him on, so that's really high up for a tiny cowboy.

He didn't cry, though he was not entirely happy sitting in the saddle. I can't imagine why a three-foot-tall child would be worried sitting on a giant, definitely-not-two-inches-high horse. Ahem.

Not to worry, though. Give him a few more years (and a few more feet of growth) and I have no doubt that kid will be riding like a champion. Now to find him some tiny boots . . .


Anonymous said...

And some chaps and a cowboy hat and a vest and a bandana....rootin tootin
cowboy cubby.

jive turkey said...

HORSES! Oh, how I love horses. I rode all throughout high school, although my parents didn't get me a helmet until my senior year. WHAT UP WITH THAT, Mom & Dad?!

Now that I have a kid, I have no idea how they let me climb atop a massive, unpredictable beast without having a heart attack each time I did it. With Cubby starting young, though, he'll be an expert before he even goes to school.

Lana from Farm Life Lessons said...

So adorable! In a blink of an eye, he'll be galloping around like a pro!

Lana C.

Sherry said...

I would've loved to see the expression on Cubby's face when he first saw the horse up close!!!

Daisy said...

He looks skeptical, but curious.

Anonymous said...

And all the noises they make. Definitely not sheepy. Beth

Chiot's Run said...

Someday he'll be ready for horseback riding. I have a niece who has LOVED horses since she was a tiny girl. She is obsessed with them. She knows her stuff too, as we drive around she's able to tell you exactly what kind of horse that is standing in the field.

I haven't spent much time riding horses in my day, not something I was very in to. Maybe someday.