Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Miracle Machine

Yesterday, Cubby and I--with emphasis on the "I"--dug up a small bed that formerly contained useless broccoli plants. After digging, hoeing, and raking, I planted some lettuce there. Then I scattered some kale seeds among the so-far-useless brussels sprouts plants. I could have just pulled out the sad little brussels sprouts plants, but I decided to give them a chance to redeem themselves now that we're actually getting some rain.

I'm big-hearted like that.


After that, I settled Cubby in the hay barn with an ear of corn to chew on (thank God that kid likes raw produce--it's the only way I get anything done in the garden) and started to dig up the area that used to have beets in preparation for spinach planting. And then I stopped. Because I realized there was no need to dig it up by hand, for WE HAVE A TILLER.

Oh, the joy.

I let the Tiller Man (A.) know I had a job for him, staked off the bed so he wouldn't run over the nearby potatoes or carrots, and stood back. He wrangled that beast in there, and five minutes later, I had a weed-free bed of perfect tilth. It would have taken me at least an hour to manage that by myself with my shovel, hoe, and rake.

These new-fangled machines, man. I could get into 'em.


Drew @ Willpower Is For Fat People said...

Which do I like better: Learning the word "tilth", or hearing you call a tiller that's older than you "new-fangled".

Word verification: troes - what da pitcher does wit da ball

Anonymous said...

What luxury...a tiller AND a man to run it.

sheila said...

Now that Cubby is mobile you don't have the spare hour to dig up garden beds. Just finding the time to plant,weed and harvest must be hard.

Anonymous said...

Honest, I wouldn't lead you astray. Beth

word verification - patiesie

has to be some new fangled pastry shop or maybe it is an old fangled one?

Lindsey at NW Backyard Veggies said...

This is why my tiller is named the Vice President.

My right hand dude.