Anyway. The photos.
It was apparently naptime in the nursery when I arrived.
I think this is one of the ones born just yesterday. But don't quote me on that.
Sure is a sleepy bunch. They just wouldn't do anything photo-worthy. I suppose their adorable faces will just have to be enough.
Edited to add: Current lamb count: 12. Seven girls, five boys, and four ewes left to deliver.
Naptime or you missed a raging lamb party last night. Those are some passed out kiddos....
Look at all those little lamb chops.
I want to hold those lambs so badly it burns.
Aggghhh, so freaking cute! Can't. Handle. The cuteness.
Dear JiveTurkey--
A and I decided to milk out one of the just-delivered ewes in order to relieve pressure on her udder, and I bottle fed the colostrum to one still wet lamb. It was so dear. And my jeans were so disgusting afterwards. Moral: dry your lamb before contact!
mil --- there are so many morals to stories at Blackrock, aren't there? Thanks for letting us in on a really cool life. Beth
Bet Cubby could have stirred things up if he was allowed in there.
Are you going to keep all the girls as you have in the past? That's a lot to add to the flock. Mary in MN
Are you going to keep all the girls as you have in the past? That's a lot to add to the flock. Mary in MN
Oh, my.
A pasture speckled with unequivocal cuteness.
It's like being at a baby shower every day - awww, that's so CUTE!
Adorable. Makes me want to move there. My son would probably take Cubby under his wing immediately.
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