Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A.P.D.--The Premature Nostalgia Edition

As I was sitting outside on a lawn chair on the, uh, lawn yesterday, watching Charlie play in the grass with a ball and Cubby grinding some corn*, all of us in shorts and sandals with no mud on any of our clothes, I was thinking that I'll miss this part of summer. The minimal clothing that's relatively quick to get on (important if you're dressing yourself plus two other people every day) and the dry ground that keeps those clothes mostly clean are nice parts of the season.

There's probably more that I won't miss about summer, actually, but we'll focus on the positive for now.

Your turn! What are you relishing in these last late summer days?

* This was a game in which he was drawing some dried corn tassels through a broken spot in the top of the lawn chair. I wasn't allowed to help; he said it was too dangerous for anyone but big boys like him.


Anonymous said...

Fresh produce...
No snow...
No socks...
An outlet (literally, out) for the boy's energy...

tu mere said...

I'll let you know when we get a bit closer to our last days of summer. We've go a bit longer to go then y'all.

Becky said...

Sandals, watermelon, peaches, light & loose clothing, hiking, that "painter's light" on the rose bushes just after sunset

Susan said...

Purple hull peas, Arkansas tomatoes and cantaloupe. Having my kids home from school. Sniff. But mostly purple hull peas.