Thursday, August 22, 2013

Further Evidence of Brain Deterioration

In a spectacular example of either self-delusion or obviously unwarranted self-confidence, I neglected to write down what I planted and where in the garden this spring. My usual practice is to make a very rough map of the garden in a random notebook, writing in things as I plant them. It's not exactly a detailed and meticulous to-scale diagram using graph paper or anything (or, uh, at all), but it does at least allow me to see what variety of potatoes I've planted in that row by the gully fence.

But since I didn't even make my usual half-assed diagram, I was convinced--totally convinced!--that the row of potatoes next to the gully fence was an early variety planted by the MiL. I was totally wrong. This was revealed when I dug those potatoes up this morning and found unmistakably pink and purple potatoes*.

So not only did I not remember what was in that row, I didn't even remember planting that row.


They did really well there, though.

My senility at least has pretty results.

* The actual names of these varieties are Adirondack Red and Adirondack Blue, but they are NOT red and blue; they are pink and purple. False advertising by the Cornell Potato Research Station. I forgive them, though, because their potato varieties are delicious.


tu mere said...

It isn't like you don't have anything else going on in your life to occupy your brain or time. Add to that the sleep deprivation, and I'd say you're doing good just to remember your kids names, although you do get to write them down a lot, which helps.

FinnyKnits said...

At least this is a fun discovery. I mean, what if you'd done all of that digging and found nothing at all? That'd suck.

This way, you can at least make fries.

MAKE FRIES! Yay. One day I'll have to grow potatoes successfully (the tire method, I've decided, is stupid) so that I, too, can make fries.