Friday, January 1, 2016

Wealth and Happiness Underway

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a fabulous New Year's Eve, whatever that means to you. To me, it meant not a single spirituous libation and bed at 9 p.m.

I was tired. And I don't really care about New Year's Eve.

But! It is now New Year's Day! And you know what that means!

Well, probably you don't. Unless you're either southern or have been reading this site for more than a year.

In case you don't fall into either of those categories, however, lemme summarize: Pork for health, greens for wealth, and black-eyed peas for happiness, every New Year's Day.

It's one of my links to my family, wherever I am, and wherever they are. This year my parents are in Florida with my sister, celebrating my brother-in-law's retirement from the Navy, so they'll be sharing their New Year's Day dinner this year.

My brother and I--and our families--would have liked to have been there, too, but it wasn't to be this year. My brother, in fact, might be on the road right now (he's an airline pilot) and possibly won't have his New Year's Day dinner until after the actual day.

But I got mine going.

Kale for greens on the left, plus the diced onion and bell pepper ready to go in the roux, and roux for the black-eyed peas on the left. And a dirty stove, because that's what cooking looks like in my kitchen. The pork roast goes in later.

Happy New Year, my lovelies. I wish you all health, wealth, and happiness in the coming year, even if you're not making pork, greens, and black-eyed peas right now. I'll eat some on your behalf.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Southern here, and I know all about the traditional New Year's dinner.

We ate at MIL's this year.
Black Eyed Peas and Rice, Mustard Greens, Pork Ribs, Ham, M&C, yams, and cornbread.
And sweet tea, of course! No dessert, but after all that, we hardly needed it.

Happy New Year, I hope the fam is better soon!
*and that the crud stays far, far away