Thursday, March 1, 2018

Coming Soon . . .

It is an undeniable that I am a food voyeur. I love reading about what people eat. Any article that tells me what a celebrity eats for breakfast every day is good. So is a story about what famous chefs make their children for lunch.

But most of all, I am fascinated by what normal people eat. How do the great masses manage to feed themselves day in and day out? What do they cook? Do they cook?

Two of the blogs I read have a regular Friday feature where they list all the dinners that family ate for the previous week (with pictures!). It sounds ridiculous. Like, why would anyone care?

Based on the number of comments those posts get, a lot of people care. Including me. I always share our dinners in the comments (at the authors' invitation), often in a too-wordy manner. I just love to talk about food.

And then I finally realized, hey! I have my own blog! I can talk about food here without hijacking someone else's blog! So on Fridays, I will.*

If this sounds unbearably boring to you, you should feel free to absent yourself from this site on Fridays. But if food is your thing? Join me in my crazy. Starting tomorrow. Whee!

* I will probably not be posting pictures of our food, however. I can barely manage to get the food made and on the table for the hordes, never mind photographing it.


Kay said...

Food is My THING, also! Looking forward to Fridays. (And in case you were wondering what we ate this week; Sunday-My work party, steaks etc..; Monday- Cobb Salads; Tuesday- Tacos; Wednesday- Sauteed roasted root veggies & mini quiches; Tonight- Waffles & Sausages; Friday will be Date Night and we'll eat out somewhere. I'm hoping for Fish.

Tammy said...

Post away about your food, I'd love to hear it.

My thing is table setting. I follow umpteen blogs about tablescapes,
and more on FB. It's crazy!

We all have our 'thing'. Mine is fun and yours is YUM! lol
*and fun, too

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. These kind of posts give me different ideas for dinner/lunch.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea!
Really like to see what regular people eat as well.