Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Blue Ninja Strikes Again

This morning I discovered that someone turned the temperature-control dial in the refrigerator to "coldest" and partially froze the carrots. And I know who that someone was.

The blue-eyed produce saboteur*.

I'm on to him now, though. No more frosty carrots for me. I will be on my guard from now on for the Blue Ninja and his tricks.

* You know that hashtag "nofilter" on photos? I never have a filter on mine, because I don't know how to use them. So yes, his eyes really are that blue in real life.


mil said...

No arguing with those eyes!
Food note: I have always struggled with smoothing stiff doughs in pans. This morning I made shortbread for a local event. Of course it seemed hopelessly lumpy. I covered it with parchment paper and rolled a smallish vitamin bottle over the dough until it was smooth. The parchment lifted right off and then I could undertake the tedious process of pricking at at half-inch intervals.

tu mere said...

Seriously, changing the refrigerator temperature. You've got some very creative kids when it come to figuring out how to play havoc with your life. I know you realize that once you're on to one thing, they'll come up with something totally different. Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

Place a piece of duct tape over the control with a note attached:
"If you touch this, no dessert for a week."

Mary in MN