Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween! Have Some Ironic Weather

This morning I woke up to 32 degrees and about a quarter inch of wet snow. The school secretary called at 6:30 a.m. and said,  "Please don't laugh at me, but we have a two-hour delay this morning."

Despite the fact that we're nowhere near the Armageddon levels of snow we became accustomed to in northern New York, I am not laughing at the prospect of the bus drivers here driving the distances they have to drive on dirt ranch roads to pick kids up in the snow. A two-hour delay seemed reasonable to me.

Plus, the delay meant a nice, leisurely morning with plenty of time to cook bacon and eggs for breakfast. Today's menu planning theme is No Added Sugar Whatsoever. Not that anything will compensate for the tsunami of sugar that will wash over the children today, starting with their class Halloween parties this afternoon, but I don't need to add to it.

The delay also meant there was plenty of time to play in the snow.

I convinced them that "playing" meant clearing snow with the broom. I'm smarter than I look.

I also delegated the porch to Jack first, the Honda to Charlie next, and the van to Cubby last before they went out, to forestall any fights over the broom. See? Definitely smarter than I look.

The high today is only going to be 41 degrees, so it's going to be a cold Halloween for trick-or-treating, but I approve of this. Make those kids work for that candy, I say.

Of course, I'll probably be sitting in the nice warm house with Poppy (who has a cold) while A. trudges around the wet, cold streets with the boys, so who am I to talk, right?

I'm not going to complain about this weather too much, because two days ago it was 77 degrees and looked like this:

I'm so pleased we have some autumn color at our new house. Also pleased that this is an apricot tree that yields prodigious quantities of apricots every few years. Yum.

In a couple of days, it will look like that again and be 60 degrees, so it's a fleeting wintery experience. That's just fine with me.

Happy Halloween, my lovelies! How's the weather where you are?


Tara said...

75 and being bitten by mosquitoes as we scare teeenagers. Totally not okay weather here in Florida.

Anonymous said...

What a glorious golden tree! And snow already - I bet your boys were over the moon. You are a clever mummy with your play trickery - I am always so pleased with myself when I wangle something like that. We got our first hail today but no snow as yet. Farmers have just clipped the last hedgerows and churned up all the lanes. We are officially in mud season. J xx