Thursday, February 27, 2020

Step on a Nail, Break Your Mother's Tail?

How's your tailbone, MiL? Intact? Because your son just stepped on a nail.

This isn't a huge deal--I mean, other than the significant pain to A. caused by a nail puncturing his foot--except for the fact that here in Extremely Rural America, the nearest tetanus shot is 60 miles away.


A. needs one, though, because his last tetanus shot was 15 years ago when he tried to catch a falling pane of glass while fixing windows and sliced his hand to ribbons.

He knows trying to catch glass with his bare hands was not the brightest move he could have made. His instincts, however, are much faster than his thought processes.


There is actually a clinic just ten miles away that's open to see a nurse practitioner two days a week, and today was one of the the days it was open. Unfortunately, the nurse practitioner wasn't in yet and the receptionist didn't know if they had tetanus boosters, and the clinic 60 miles away definitely DID have it but were closing at 11 a.m., so . . . off A. went to drive two hours for a tetanus booster.

Luckily, the puncture was in the foot he doesn't use to drive, so he can still drive the school bus. Good thing, as there really isn't a substitute bus driver.

And, well, I guess that's it. Nails hurt (as if you didn't already know that) and it's important to keep your tetanus vaccinations up to date. If you're anything like A., that is.


mil said...

A. has stepped on more nails than most people do in a lifetime--and he has decades yet to go. Perhaps he will learn to look carefully (or better yet, to bend down and turn over any board that has a nail in it). Or he could just stick to tip-toeing through the tulips, as it were.I am very glad that he took the drive and got the shot. One cannot be too careful with tetanus.

My back, by the way, is fine.
Food note for Lent--I decided to cook a lot of vegetable soups and started off with a beet soup from the Deborah Madison book. It was fairly quick and easy, and it was very good. With a healthy dollop of sour cream, one bowl seemed to fill me up after a day that was pretty much free of food.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Yes, it really is a good thing to keep your vaccinations up to date!!! :)