Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Real-time, Sane Sourdough: Part 3

Winter update: Disregard this step if it was on your counter overnight.

Say good morning to your sourdough! And get it out of the refrigerator.

Rise and shine! No, but seriously. Start rising, sourdough.

The sourdough will have risen a bit in the refrigerator--mostly right when it's put in, before it gets too cold--but you still need to leave it out for a few hours to recover itself. It will be too stiff and cold to do anything with right out of the refrigerator.

I just take it out as soon as I get up. Or rather, as soon as I get up, get dressed, and get water heating for coffee. Priorities.

This morning, that was at 4:53 a.m. And now, we wait some more.

To be continued . . .

1 comment:

mil said...

My whole wheat at nearly sea level is not as perky as Kristin's at about 6,000 feet. In my 50 or so degree kitchen, it's fine and ready to go as soon as I have fed the chickens, fed the dogs, made some coffee, fed and medicated the cat, and so on. Actually the kitchen was probably closer to 55 last night--a good temp for sourdough.