Short version: Green chili hamburger soup, cheese
Long version: When I took out some of the Sysco ground beef from the chest freezer, I grabbed a container of frozen chicken stock, too. It was cool enough for soup, so I made Miss Amelia's green chili soup.
All it is is the ground beef and chicken stock plus onion, garlic, celery, carrots, and potatoes. And the roasted green chili of course. We have a LOT of green chilis now, because we still had a cup or so of the ones we roasted and froze last fall, and then Miss Amelia has now given me probably four more cups of ones she roasted and froze.
Fine with me. Soup season will be upon us before you know it, and everyone likes this soup.
Random photo break!

I'm not entirely sure what was happening here. She said something about loading cattle, so maybe these are her cowgirl duds?
Short version: Pork sirloin chops, curried split peas, rice, garlic bread, roasted green beans, fried cabbage/onions/carrots
Long version: I didn't really intend on making doubles of proteins, starches, and vegetables, but that's what happened. And that meant double the pots and pans to wash. Downer.
Short version: Brisket, boiled potatoes, green salad with ranch dressing, shortbread
Long version: I cooked the brisket overnight in the oven again. It's the only way to do it in the summer without getting the kitchen to sauna conditions by dinnertime.
Cubby chose the shortbread for our Sunday dessert. "It only has three ingredients! It'll be so easy!" he said.
Yeah, no.
I've made this recipe before, and it was as I remembered it: Sort of dry and difficult to roll out. I added some extra butter and then, after a first failed attempt at rolling, a couple of tablespoons of water. Cubby was very pleased with how it came out, though, and it is nice to have a dessert that can be made with ingredients we always have. Plus, very little sugar.
Short version: Pork stir-fry, rice
Long version: I had just a few of the sirloin chops left, which are pretty lean, so I cut them up for stir-fry. The vegetables were mostly carrots and frozen green beans, although I did throw in a few banana peppers from the garden.
These carrots Cubby harvested from the garden for me did not go into the stir-fry:
Because the locust-children devoured them shortly after harvest.
Short version: Italian sliders, pasta with Finny's sauce, green salad with ranch dressing
Long version: Italian sliders are small hamburgers with meatball seasonings. The ground beef came from a friend of mine. After hearing me complain about how gross ground beef from the store is*, she just up and gave me four pounds of the ground beef they get as part of her husband's compensation as a ranch manager.
Benefit of living in cattle country.
I gave her some green beans and promised her some sauerkraut when it was done sauering, which seemed to please her, so we were both happy.
Short version: Bunless hamburgers, leftover pasta, frozen green peas
Long version: Dinners are never very complicated on days when we take a trip to the Outside World. It's very tiring to spend three hours running errands with three hours driving thrown in, too.
I had just enough of the good ground beef left to make a hamburger for each of us, and then A. finished the leftover brisket.
Short version: Pork chops, rice, sauteed green beans, sauerkraut
Long version: I canned another batch of sauerkraut and saved some to have with our pork chops. Pork and sauerkraut is just so good. Good thing we had all those Megatons. We should have some mega sauerkraut this winter, which I'm sure will come in very handy.
Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?
* I know. You'd want to be my friend, too, I'm sure.
Great friend, you have! Cute picture of Poppy.
BLT's, sauteed sweet corn, mushrooms, zucchini, carrots
fish taco's
roasted potatoes, green beans, chicken breasts & peaches on the side
grilled turkey burgers, broccoli, peaches
turkey sandwich, sweet corn, tomatoes
And for tonight, zucchini pizza
Last night I had egg and olive salad, made with homemade mayonnaise, which was good, and a quesadilla. For lunch I had had a big romaine salad, with bacon, an onion sauted in the bacon fat, a couple of my own tomatoes and one of my own cucumbers, dressed with bacon fat and red wine vinegar. I figured that since the onions I grew are the pungent Patterson variety, I should saute them for the salad. Good call.
The previous day, I made a summer squash (yellow, gift)saute with onion, green pepper, and garlic. That was lunch--and at the same time, I made a small batch of Marcella Hazan's simple fresh tomato sauce (tomatoes cooked with lots of butter and an onion). For supper, I processed the leftover summer squash and the tomato sauce together to make a thick soup, which was good. Oh, I added some heavy cream, too. Yogurt and peaches to finish.
Earlier in the week I ate steak and this and that. Buttermilk panna cotta. Yum.
Good gravy it can't be Friday already again..nononono.
I know we ate this week. I'm sure of it. Steak, tacos, chicken stir fry, chicken sandwiches, ham sandwiches at a community picnic, chuckwagon pasta, make-and-eat pizzas at a kids thing.
I feel like I have to explain that there is just not a ton of social distancing going on within our little town. As far as our household goes, we have seen practically no one outside of town people and my family for months and months. I hope that proves to be adequately smart in the long run.
Oh, and honest to goodness, I would want to be your friend.
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