Monday, November 16, 2020

A Coming Attraction


Although I don't consider myself an expert on anything in particular, I do seem to get asked for advice quite frequently.

Not, like, relationship advice or anything, but practical advice. One time when we were living at Blackrock, my brother called me to ask if hens would lay eggs without a rooster around*. My brother was wandering around somewhere with his friend and they disagreed on this point, so naturally, the first person he thought to call and ask (this was before smart phones) was his crazy rural sister who had chickens.

I get asked a LOT how I make bread, which I already covered here in great detail. Or yogurt. Lots of kitchen questions, unsurprisingly.

Anyway, what I'm getting at here is that I am going to share my hard-earned knowledge and wisdom here, with you, every Tuesday. 

Why Tuesday? Because I love alliteration and decided to call it "Tuesday Tips." As good a reason as any, I suppose.

Also, if I know I'm scheduled to do it every week, I'm much more likely to do it at all. As evidenced by the 139 weeks straight of Fridays that I've been cataloging our dinners in the Friday Food posts.

We're starting off with a surprising bang tomorrow with an actual, written-out recipe. With measurements and everything! You all know I don't really DO recipes, but I wrote one out just for you. Get excited.

See you tomorrow.

* No, the rooster has nothing to do with egg production. Just with the fertilizing of said eggs.


Karen. said...

Well! I think this will be fun.

Also, I approve of alliteration.

Anonymous said...

This will we great! Looking forward to Tuesday's.

Anonymous said...

How about "be"

Claire said...

Looking forward ro Tuesday tips! Also any chicken related tips would be very welcome, I am thinking of getting a few