Sunday, May 23, 2021

Snapshots: Snakes 'n' Summer

Most of the time when my mom brings the kids random toys and other diversions, I save them for some later time. Last time she came, those diversions were water guns and water balloons. Those I saved for the last day of school, which was conveniently 83 degrees.

(Swim) suited up for battle.

And look who we saw when we were getting on the bus to come home on the last day of school.

It's Howard's cousin!

Instead of a coffee maker on the counter, we have an electric kettle, which I use with a french press to make my coffee. Our five-year-old kettle melted down in a rather spectacular fashion a couple of weeks ago, so I had to order a new one. The one I got is glass, and when it's on, the base is surrounded by a blue light. 

When it's at a full boil in a dark kitchen, it looks pleasingly like a lava lamp.

My coffee is so much groovier now.

And lastly, here is a bowl of fresh fruit. I do not usually have enough fresh fruit to have a fruit bowl of the sort that seem de rigueur in carefully styled kitchens, but I happened to have a very photogenic variety this week. And a photogenic bowl, too.

A. bought the pomegranate so he could plant the seeds and grow a tree. Isn't that why you buy fruit?

And there you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Anonymous said...

Howard must have spread rumors to his family about those baby rabbits!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Linda: This one was at the school, ten miles away, so none of our rabbits for him (her?).