Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Food: Starting Summer with Sniffles

School ended, and the kids immediately all got sick. By Sunday, all four were hacking and dripping. Appetizing.

We're mostly all better now, though!


Short version: Bull tacos, sick-boy potato soup, still-frozen peas

Long version: Just a jar of pressure-canned bull meat cooked with salsa, chili powder, and garlic powder. Three children ate theirs in corn tortillas with cheese. A. ate his topped with melted pepperjack cheese. I ate mine in a salad.

The very day after school ended, both Jack and Cubby woke up sick. Cubby had a terrible sore throat, so I made him his favorite soup: potato. Just a few pieces of fried bacon, onion, carrots, potatoes, and sour cream. I used these little tubs of sour cream the school cook gave me the day before, because she didn't want to throw them away.

We're always a good repository for excess food.

Anyway, I pureed all of the soup and Cubby managed one bowl before he went back to bed.


Short version: Stewed beef, garlic bread, roasted bell peppers and onions, still-frozen peas

Long version: I was organizing the two chest freezers and found that I seem to have already used all the ground beef from the cow we got in February. I asked the butcher to give me 3/4 ground beef and 1/4 stew meat (the same cuts are used for both of those), but it looks as if they did the opposite.


So there's going to be a lot of stew in our future. Perfect for summer. Ahem.

For this round of stewing, I just dumped the meat in my enameled dutch oven with four cubes of green garlic puree and a quart of pressure-canned chicken stock--plus salt--and cooked it until it was tender. Then I added two cubes of frozen basil pesto and about a cup of grated asadero cheese.

It was really good.

Random photo break!

'Tis once again the season for wildflower bouquets presented to me by my children. This makes me very happy.


Short version: Roasted chicken pieces; bread and butter; curried cauliflower, green beans, and peas; sprouting broccoli; leftover Crispy Rice Treats and brownie crumbs

Long version: A. bought a package of chicken thighs and a package of split chicken breasts at the store, and I used both for this meal. I salted the chicken a couple of hours before cooking, then cranked the oven up to 475 degrees and roasted it plain for awhile (so it could release juices without the sauce all sliding off), and then sprinkled on paprika and garlic powder, and THEN spread on a mixture of ketchup, mustard, garlic powder, and quite a bit of vinegar. It came out pretty well.

I made the curried cauliflower because I had some cooked cauliflower that really needed to be used up. And then I put way too much curry powder in accidentally. So then I added some cooked green beans, and then a bunch of frozen peas. Plus a bunch of sour cream and cream. It ended up being a lot of vegetables, and the curry didn't really go with the barbecue-ish chicken, but I enjoyed it.

The desserts were both left from different end-of-school events. The brownies were impossible to get out of the pan intact because I baked them right before we went to the school on the last day and they didn't have time to cool enough. Thus, brownie crumbs. The kids didn't mind, though.


Short version: Leftover stewed beef, bread and butter, leftover baked beans, frozen green peas

Long version: We seem to have eaten bread and butter for several dinners in a row, unusually. Well, the kids did. I didn't hear them complaining about it, either.


Short version: Re-purposed chicken, green salad with weeds (and ranch dressing), pomegranate

Long version: I had the food processor out to make fruit shakes (smoothies) for lunch, so I rinsed it out and made some marinara sauce with a can of tomatoes that were in the refrigerator, along with some green garlic, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and dried oregano. 

I made pasta for the kids and used that sauce, plus some finely diced leftover chicken (they can't eat around it that way--ha) and some asadero cheese.

For A. and me, I fried some chunks of leftover chicken with leftover roasted peppers and onions and a bit of the tomato sauce, plus some asadero cheese.

The salad was MY LETTUCE HOORAY, to which I added some lamb's quarters because the kids found some out back and brought it to me. Plus this ranch dressing.

The combination of all the vegetables made for a very colorful plate.

Professionally styled food photos are my primary concern, obviously.

The pomegranate was the one that A. bought some time ago so he could save the seeds. He gave each kid a bowl and a chunk of pomegranate and they had a great time spitting seeds and smearing red juice all over themselves.

Like so.

That same child observed while eating his pomegranate: "This kind of looks like bear poop."

I had to acknowledge the truth of this (bears eat a lot of seedy things), but it doesn't seem like the sort of visual that would really improve the appetite.


Short version: Stew meat tacos, pinto beans, carrot sticks with ranch dip

Long version: The latest iteration of the stew meat, this time with frozen green chili sauce and green garlic puree, plus chicken stock, simmered until I could break it apart, and then I added some sour cream. From the little tubs I got from the school cook, of course. Those little tubs held a surprisingly large quantity of sour cream all together.


Short version: Breakfast sausage patties, curried split peas, rice, green salad with ranch dressing

Long version: I found a quart jar in the pantry that was about half full of yellow split peas, so I cooked those until they were done on Wednesday. Then I used the cooked split peas to make the curried split peas by simply sauteeing onion and sweet yellow curry powder in coconut oil, then adding the peas and a couple of those little tubs of sour cream.

Still haven't used all that sour cream. And of course, I haven't even begun to start cooking the three giant jars of dried split peas I showed you the other day. 

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


Anonymous said...

NM sure has some colorful wild flowers!
zucchini lasagna, steamed broccoli, banana muffins, Pots de Creme
spaghetti & meatballs, salad, garlic knots, Pots de Creme
leftover spaghetti & meatballs, salad, banana muffins, Pots de Creme
fish n' chips, cabbage, banana muffins, Pots de Creme
grilled hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans
Not sure for tonight...

mil said...

Friday: guests brought Cornell chicken from Oneonta; I made green garlic risotto, cornbread, salad, and rhubarb crumble.
Saturday: the guests left for the north, and I was left with lots of leftover chicken, which I ate pretty much all week, along with various salads. Risotto, the occasional snappy griller wrapped in a tortilla and the occasional egg. Oh, and some avocados, too.

Thursday: I picked much of the red mustard that had self-seeded all over my beleaguered spinach and cooked it with pork. Not being accustomed to cooking mustard greens, I was surprised by how mild the very peppery red mustard was when cooked. The pot liquor is going to turn into soup today, I think, as the weather has dipped from the unseasonable 90s into the 50s. I think I will use potatoes, some more greens, and pork in the soup.

Karen. said...

We occasionally see the little orange flowers here, too. I love them most — have ever since I can remember.

Anonymous said...

Hello there...nothing like a house full of sick children...woof.

Saturday Cobb salad deluxe, rolls

Sunday Baked yams, green salad and some scrambled eggs with green onions

Monday Tacos, pico, guacamole and some very scary looking blue corn chips

Tuesday Taco leftovers

Wendsday I was in a hurry that morning so I grabbed my trusty crock pot and put together a simple stew using elk steak, thank goodness because I was bunny hopping from one thing to another all day and wasn't in the mood to mess with dinner. We ate the stew with cheese and rolls and considered ourselves fed

Thursday was another busy day so we had leftover stew with grilled cheese sandwitches...not the most balanced meal but I needed some comfort food after a booger of a day

Friday We will be on the road so more than likely we will have some sort of takeout along the way.

Kit said...

Friday-my husband's birthday celebration, make your own taco salad. Small children eat nacho chips and cheese, vegetarians leave out the ground beef, everyone else eats everything and we're all happy. Especially when dessert is lime cream torte and sherbet.
Saturday-leftover birthday food
Sunday-spaghetti with cheese, salad
Monday-leftover beef and beans, biscuits
Tuesday-chicken enchiladas, salad (my lettuce and swiss chard!)
Wednesday-camping with grandchildren (3, 6, and 6) and it's 90 degrees, oh yay. Cheese and ham rolled up in tortillas, carrot sticks, apple slices, marshmallows
Thursday-still camping but blessedly it's only 80. Hot dogs, potato chips, broccoli, marshmallows
Friday-home again, homemade meat pies stashed in the freezer for just such a day.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Linda: Pots de creme!

MiL: The one thing I really wish we had a grill for is Cornell chicken. It's so good, and really must be grilled.

Karen.: I have no idea what any of them are, but Cubby wanted a book about flower identification which I duly requested from the books by mail, so maybe he can teach me.

Anonymous: Your Wednesday meal seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Kit: That is an excellent birthday celebration meal. Few things are better than taco salad. And yay for your lettuce and swiss chard!

Anonymous said...

Friday: charcuterie platter at our preferred watering (beering) hole so I didn't have to cook (yay)
Saturday: pizza topped with olive oil, sauteed leek and swiss chard, andouille sausage and mushrooms
Sunday: braised beef ribs, mashed potatoes, kale rabe sauteed with garlic. The kale overwintered in our veggie garden and has started blooming so we have been eating it. Even the stalks are tender and delicious
Monday: leftovers from Sunday
Tuesday: beef and bean tacos
Wednesday: can't remember. Ha
Thursday: pasta with a chicken and tomato sauce that used up the last chicken breast in the freezer and finished off one of the bags of frozen tomatoes from last summer. I'm working hard to use up the food in the freezer. The beef ribs were from the freezer also.
Pam in Maine