Monday, August 30, 2021

Monday Bouquets: Small but Mighty

Although there is still a profusion of sunflowers lining the roadsides, the blooms tend to be much smaller than the ones we saw earlier in the summer. 

A portent of fall, no doubt. 

I decided to take my cue from the diminutive blossoms and make much smaller arrangements. I used a little four-ounce jar Cubby found somewhere as my vase.

It was nice having a less towering arrangement on the table. I didn't have to move it off the table so I could see Cubby across from me during dinner.

First I went with just the sunflowers.

And then with some sunflowers and sage. Because sunflowers without sage is like peanut butter without jelly. Or something.

I hope you have a lovely Monday, with or without flowers.


Anonymous said...

On Saturday my husband & I went to a church yard sale. There was a man there selling produce & small sunflowers. I bought a few to brighten up my kitchen, as yours always look so lovely.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Linda: Yay for brightening! Too bad he didn't have any sage. :-)