Tuesday, November 2, 2021

T.T.: For Clean Brownies, Use Plastic

Short and sweet* today: If you make brownies or another soft kind of bar cookie for an event, and therefore care about the presentation, cut them with a plastic knife. Like the kind you get at a fast food restaurant.

Or filch from a drawer of plastic cutlery at school for teachers. If you, like me, find yourself a hundred miles from the nearest fast food restaurant.

Something about the ultra-smooth plastic slips right through the brownies without pulling at all and making a bunch of crumbs.

Of course, if you're just cutting brownies for your feral children, who don't care in the least if their brownies have ragged edges, stick with metal. But for a clean cut, plastic is the way to go. 

This is probably the only time you will ever see me endorse anything plastic, but when it works, it works.

* Did I use this phrase deliberately for the pun? Maybe.

1 comment:

Andra said...

It took many years for me to figure out the benefits of using a plastic knife to cut brownies.