Sunday, April 24, 2022

Snapshots: Easter, Garlic, Bubbles, and Animals

Some fine randomness for you this week.

I hid the Easter eggs last week by the light of a setting full moon.

Dramatic, but definitely more Halloween than Easter.

First Breakfast on Easter was deviled eggs made from the retrieved eggs, but Second Breakfast was chocolate from the baskets found after church. 

My hands smell like garlic all the time now, as I am constantly harvesting and chopping the green garlic from the pasture.

The chains for the fan and light on Poppy's bedroom fixture broke off too short to be easily reachable, and I discovered it is possible to buy replacement chains with dragonflies and butterflies on the bottom. This makes me happy every time I use them. Poppy loves them, too.


Fun with dish soap and a piece of PVC pipe.

A bull at sunrise in some uncharacteristically dull light, thanks to the hellish winds that have been blowing dirt all over the place. Also smoke from various fires, which is very much Not Good (although not endangering our house at the moment).

Hungry sheep waiting for morning hay . . .

Which was not long in coming. Those two on the left are the smart ones who discovered a whole other flake that the others ignored in favor of fighting over the first one I threw over the fence.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


mil said...

Easter basket books + chocolate,,,= peaceful Easter morning

Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Do you have enough vegetation around you that fire is a significant risk?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Drew: Right where we are is all grass, so the fires run fast and hot in the wind. The fire that's affecting our community right now--over 30,000 acres burned already- is at a lower elevation, where there are pinyon, mesquite, and other small bushy trees. And everything is just so, so dry. The firefighters are impressively successful at saving structures by creating firebreaks, though.

Jenny said...

Awful to think about fires. I think your photos are fantastic and really enjoy seeing things I can’t see anywhere else.

Tu mere said...

I also love the new chains. Would make me happy to see them as well. So sorry to hear y’all have fire smoke at the house. Not the healthiest to breath, but better than actual fires to deal with. You’d have a hand full with all the animals to worry about!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Jenny: Thank you. The light here makes it hard to take a bad photo.

Mere: No smoke in the air at our house, just up in the sky, blocking the sun. It looked kind of apocolyptic on Saturday, but the big fire down the hill is mostly contained now and the skies are clear again.