Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Growing Food: Stand-Up Comedy

Given the very unfunny state of my garden at the moment--the plague of locusts continues unabated--I thought I would share with you a list inspired by one of my children and the fact that I'm old enough to have seen Jeff Foxworthy live in The Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

If your children sit down to a chicken dinner and ask suspiciously while glaring at the drumsticks on their plate, "Who is this?". . . You might grow your own food.

If a fifteen-minute recipe takes you seven hours . . . You might grow your own food.

If you can't start dinner without putting on your shoes and going outside . . . You might grow your own food.

If dinner preparations often leave mud in your sink . . . You might grow your own food.

If none of your vegetables have ever touched plastic . . . You might grow your own food.

If you know the names of more than one variety of beet . . . You might grow your own food.

If this photo inspires great excitement . . . 

You might grow your own food. And really love tomatoes.

Can you think of any others?


Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

If you see insect damage and cut it out instead of tossing it ...

If you start the meal by telling everyone ingredients are from the garden, even though they're the ones who picked it ...

If you have salad 8 days in a row because the tomatoes are coming in ...

If you make guac 3 times a week because would you look how much cilantro we have?! ...

Becky said...

If your counter space is filled with colanders...

If you cry when eating the last tomato of the season...

If you end up with many bags of shredded zucchini in your freezer...

If you cultivate friends who aren't gardeners...

Daisy said...

If you eat salads with every meal because how else would you use up all the cherry tomatoes?

Tu mere said...

Can’t remember a thing, but great, great stuff!