Sunday, October 29, 2023

Snapshots: Freeze Prep

We had a cold front move in last night, resulting in our first hard freeze. I spent some time in the garden on Friday, pulling all the remaining edible things.

Four winter squash (plus a tiny one we're going to carve for Halloween), two calabazas that I'm not sure got all the way mature, and one watermelon. 

We ate the watermelon yesterday. It was pretty good, so we saved the seeds from it. 

Lots of tomatoes, mostly green.

A big bunch of parsley, and a small bunch of calendula.

Let's see what else . . .

The apricot tree by the front door is the only tree we have that gives us any kind of fall leaves.

Halloweeny breakfast table.

My morning commute on the school bus.

And, in honor of my last Sunday as Church Lady for this month . . .

Going up the aisle . . .

The altar . . .

And going down the aisle.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Gemma's person said...

Your church is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful church! Love the Halloween table decorations!

Mei said...

Having met some truly southern women while in Pensacola, I am hooked on fried green tomatoes. Salsa verde is something I enjoy also.