Sunday, February 18, 2024

Snapshots: Treats and Trips

We are for sure a family of readers. Now that the youngest can read, we have six people leaving books all over the house.

Literacy can be messy.

I always make crispy rice treats for the children to include with their Valentine's cards for classmates. I make enough to give to every staff member at the school, too. This year I even made enough that I gave them to the high schoolers during lunch.

Crispy treats for a crowd.

Valentine's Day was particularly challenging this year, being both a work day for me and Ash Wednesday. About the only festive thing I could manage for the children were these bread hearts to go along with their eggs at breakfast.

Only one of the children was notably enthused about this. I bet you can guess which one. Hint: It was not a boy.

One of the teachers had the good idea this year to give each child a big popcorn bucket to decorate to hold their valentines at school. They were all set up in the cafeteria so they were easy to find and fill, and they were very decorative all arranged there.

Valentine's Day Central.

Not at all related to Valentine's Day, but I discovered this week that my cowboy boots fit again.

These boots are not particularly made for walking, although they're surprisingly comfortable.

I have had these boots since I worked on a dude ranch in college, so . . . well, decades. They're narrow, with pointy toes, and they haven't fit for a few years. Apparently, however, some of the weight I have lost was in my feet, so they fit now. Nice to have another pair of shoes.

I wore them to the basketball game this week, which was, of course, a long way away. One hundred and sixty miles roundtrip, to be precise.

On the road again. And again. And again.

But at least I didn't have to do the 220-mile trip to the basketball game yesterday. A. got to go to that one. Lucky him.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


mbmom11 said...

Popcorn buckets - great idea.
We can't give homemade treats, so I stick with fruit chews or skittles. ( the school is nut free too, so I'm trying to avoid chocolate as well. Some chocolate bags have those ominous warning about being made on same equipment as nut items, so I don't want to mess with it.)
I hope the surgery went well!

Anonymous said...

As a librarian, it makes me very happy to see those books obviously being used. -- Ringo

Anonymous said...

I love that your kids are such avid readers!
My husband & I love to read as well.

Natalie J said...

I work at a Catholic school, so we had our Valentine celebration the Friday before (just this year, because of Ash Wednesday). So in my mind it was done, and I almost forgot about my daughter's valentines stuff at preschool on Wednesday. Whoops!

Tu mere said...

You’ve got a winner with the breakfast hearts. Impressively creative, but then I’m easily impressed not being a creative person. Yay for the boots!