Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Food: Fish, Fowl, and Neither


Short version: Barbecue bull sandwiches, roasted potatoes, carrot sticks with curry dip

Long version: This entire meal came about because I was making bread and decided to use some of the dough to make buns. Then I needed something to put in the buns. So I used some of the pressure-cooked bull meat--further broken down with my immersion blender--mixed with barbecue sauce.

I still have a couple of bottles of Dinosaur BBQ's Sensuous Slathering Sauce (worst name, best sauce) that should last me until A. gets to New York again to get me some more.

And then I needed something to bulk this meal up a bit, so potatoes.

Carrot sticks just because they're easy and everyone eats them. Ditto the curry dip.

The curry dip is literally just mayonnaise and sweet yellow curry powder, and is delicious with the potatoes, too.

The littlest eater's meal, on a plate that was A.'s brother's almost forty years ago.


Short version: Tamales

Long version: My sister brought a few packages of pork tamales with her when she came to visit. Store-bought tamales are always too spicy for me and Poppy (which is the whole reason I started making my own), but we can eat them with a lot of sour cream. And everyone else was very happy with them. Thanks, sis!


Short version: Elk in tomato gravy, mashed potatoes, green salad with vinaigrette, ice cream

Long version: I excavated one last bag of elk stew meat from the bottom of one of the chest freezers. It's too hot for actual stew, but I still needed to stew the meat to make it tender. So I cut it up a little smaller, browned it in beef tallow, and simmered it for awhile with the last of a container of beef stock that need to be used, the last tablespoon of tomato paste left from making the shepherd's pies, a whole diced onion, a few new garlic plants that had been hanging out in the refrigerator, and a lot of parsley. When the meat was tender, I added the last of the whipping cream that had been shaken so much it was almost butter.

Very tasty. And satisfying to use up all those random things.

I served it over mashed potatoes for those who like to mix their food. And next to the mashed potatoes for those who don't.


Short version: Lotta leftovers, cucumbers, cookies

Long version: Two kids had the elk and mashed potatoes. One had crepes left over from the after-church second breakfast. One had a barbecue bull sandwich. A. had barbecue bull and mashed potatoes.

I would typically have had a salad with some of the bull meat in it, but I was starting to feel the effects of the cold that had been going around the family since Friday. Salads are just no fun to eat with a sore throat. So instead, I had some of the elk and mashed potatoes, too. Comfort food.


Short version: Fish, rice, raw produce, bread and butter

Long version: A. bought some whiting fillets last time we were at the store, and he cooked those this night. He baked them in a sauce of olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice. The sauce was tasty, although the fish got a bit mushy in spots.

I am told that the sauce was particularly good on the rice.

The children helped themselves to the bread and butter after dinner. I guess that was dessert.


Short version: Chicken stir-fry, rice

Long version: I had broccoli and bell peppers that really needed to be used, so I took out a package of chicken breasts to make stir-fry. It also had asparagus and lamb's quarter from the garden, and onion, carrot, and garlic not from the garden.

I did not take a picture of the stir-fry this time. How unusual for me.


Short version: Fish, lamb, leftover rice, frozen peas, peanut butter cups

Long version: There was quite a bit of the sauce left from the fish, and also two fillets still frozen, so I fried those fillets in butter--which fixed the mushiness issue--and used the sauce for that. 

That would definitely not have been enough for everyone, and everyone doesn't really like fish anyway, so I also took out some lamb steaks. I fried two of those in bacon grease.

Everyone had the frozen peas and rice.

The peanut butter cups were our countdown candy for this year, but I still had quite a few in the bag when school ended. So everyone got to have three of them instead of just one while we were on our way out to the bus in the morning. Because everything is better in the summer.

Refrigerator check:

I like it when there are lots of leftovers.

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


mbmom11 said...

Fri- tacos, no surprise as it was warm and I was tired.
Sat- we spent the morning moving daughter and her husband out of their apt so they could move to her new city for residency. It was very hot, humid , and sunny. So when we got home, we all collapsed. I dug up energy at dinner time to place a domino's order. I had one slice of sausage, everyone enjoyed the pepperoni, and I have enough left over for another meal.
Sun- hot day again, so grilled chicken, rice, ramen noodles, broccoli, and birthday cake. The birthday was actually Monday, but birthday allowed that we could celebrate a day early and let me buy a cake from Walmart. I don't like store bought cakes much ( the frosting is often so fake tasting) but everyone else enjoyed it.
Mon- I was out of town all day,but my time away included an unexpected disaster, so when I got home I was worn. Everyone scavenged a meal. I had ice cream.
Tues- finally cooler, but I was still no mood to deal with food. So hot dogs, chips, apples. Husband ate up leftover taco meat and chicken.
Wed- beef stew meat from freezer, homemade bread, mashed potatoes.
Thurs- I wiped out with chicken strips and fries. And I had a horrible night's sleep, so I think I can't eat fried foods for dinner anymore. Lesson learned.
Enjoy the weekend!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

mbmom11: I hope your weekend is more relaxing than your week. Even just reading all that made me feel tired. The heat really is a ambition-sucker for the home cook.

Kit said...

Friday-little piggy sausages, scalloped potatoes, coleslaw
Saturday-chicken patties, baked potatoes, peas, coconut date cookies
Sunday-potatoes, carrots and peas in cheese sauce
Monday-liver and bacon, baked potatoes, coleslaw
Tuesday-rigatoni, broccoli
Wednesday-leftover chicken stir fried with vegetables, rice
Thursday-meat pies, coleslaw

Gemma's person said...

Kit, I am intrigued...coconut/date tell? Beth

Kit said...

I love old cookbooks, and this recipe is from Country Fair Cookbook, "every recipe a blue ribbon winner." I really made it because I found half a package of chopped dates left over from Christmas in the back of the cupboard. I can't find the recipe online and it's really good, so here it is. Just mix like you would any cookies.

1 c butter, 1 c sugar, 1 c brown sugar packed, 2 eggs, 1 t vanilla, 2 c flour, 1 t baking powder, 1 t baking soda, 1 t salt, 2 c oatmeal, 1 c chopped dates, 1 c coconut. Chill thoroughly.

Roll in balls and place on greased cookie sheets; bake at 375 degrees for 12-15 minutes.