Sunday, May 26, 2024

Snapshots: An Unfortunate Name

A. decided to buy some bread at the store so I wouldn't have to bake all the bread the locusts are consuming now that they're home all the time. It was a very kind thought, and three out of the four children have been enjoying the novelty of bread that's already been sliced*. The name of the bread, however . . .


I had to look this up to see how this unfortunate name ended up associated with bread. I thought maybe it was something where the name predated the meaning of the word. In fact, the company is based in Mexico. So I guess it just doesn't translate well across cultures.

It has provided substantial amusement for those of us who know what the word means in America, however.

Let's see what else I have . . .

A funny radish.

This week's roadside-flower arrangement.

And Adventure Van pulling a trailer-load of sheep to the auction.

A. sold all five of the lambs born early this year, plus two yearlings born last year. That leaves us with two ram lambs that were born just about a month ago--they'll go in the freezer this fall--the ram, and seven ewes. This substantial reduction to the flock will make it much easier to manage them. We didn't have enough pasture for that many sheep, and prices are pretty high right now, so A. got enough to pay for quite a bit of hay.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.

* The one who isn't enjoying it thinks store bread is gross and refuses to eat any bread but mine. I must admit to being secretly gratified about this.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your curry dip recipe Friday. It's so quick and tasty -- just the thing when I need extra convincing to munch on veggies. I love curry flavors. -- Ringo

Gemma's person said...

Children are your greatest fans. They are super and eat almost every thing else around.

Jody said...

My kids don't particularly like store-bought bread either.

Mei said...

This week's flower arrangement is beautiful.
I have seen this bread before and eventually found the humor in the name.

Tu mere said...

Love the bread name. Classic. Can’t believe how many different recipes colored wild flowers you have. Don’t ever need bought ones. Yours are way better. Always love picture day!

Gemma's person said...

I took the time to wikipedia the bread brand name. A very very interesting read.
It is short for bambino/ and the name of the bear on the label bimbo. They make McD's buns solely in Kazikstan. Have acquired several other companies that you would recognize the names of. Based as you said in Mexico, but has an American arm and is International as well.

Gemma's person said...

After looking again the name was a merger of BAMBI and DUMBO Disney movies a daughter at the time loved.

Shelley said...

It is pronounced like BEEM-BO just a FYI :)