Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A.P.D.: The Bedtime Edition

I am an early to bed, early to rise person. I have always been this way. Even in college, I typically went to bed before 10 p.m. This was a problem because re-runs of "Seinfeld" started at 10 p.m. and my roommate always watched them, which meant I was trying to go to sleep with the bantering of Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer filling the dorm room.

I hate "Seinfeld" to this day. 


Now I'm a really early to rise person. I can't sleep past 6 a.m., no matter what time I go to bed. Waking up that early means I need to go to bed early to get enough sleep. This becomes an issue for me in the summer, because it's hard to go to sleep by 9 p.m. when it's hot and still light outside. I still go to bed early, but I can't always sleep. So pretty much in the summer, I sleep from about 10:30 p.m. to around 5:30 a.m.

I see a lot of sunrises. Not so much with the sunsets.

In the winter, I will actually fall asleep by 8:30 p.m. and I usually get up by 5 a.m.

And yes, my children go to sleep later than I do. I do the bedtime read-aloud and prayer for the younger three kids at 8 p.m., then get myself ready for bed. They can read on the couch until 8:30 p.m., and then they go to bed. But at that point, it's up to A. to actually keep them in bed, because I'm out for the count.

So tell me: What time do you typically go to bed and wake up?


Lisa said...

I’m exactly the same. I can’t sleep past 5:30. I hate going to bed when it’s still light so late in the summer, but I go to bed and read by 8:30 at the latest.

Mary W said...

I'm in bed between 10 and 10:30 and up at 6:00 if I'm swimming 6:30 otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Actually, my husband & I are usually in bed by 7:30-8 pm, reading our books for 15 mins. or so. We are up at 4-4:30 am.

Mei lian said...

I usually have a bed time of 8-8:30 because of I like it or not I wake to Jared's schedule which means I'm awake at 4:30.

mbmom11 said...

Early to rise- up between 5-6 am, sometimes 4 am this summer. If I have a good book to read, I might stay up until 11pm or 12 pm reading and having alone time. Otherwise 9:3010 pm. Insomnia this past year or so means I'm up in the night for a few hours a couple times a week. Not my favorite, but that's when I get my wordle done!

Anonymous said...

In bed usually around 1-2 Am and up whenever. Usually by 7am or so. I'm retired so my schedule is pretty much my own.

Kit said...

I'm another early riser. I get up at 5:30 and I'm in bed with a book by 8:30 at night, asleep by 9.

Anonymous said...

Summer schedule usually in bed anywhere from 9:30-11 a little earlier in winter. Typically up by 6-6:30 when granddaughters are in school, about 7 if I don’t have to get up. Can get a lot more done in morning.

gab said...

in bed by 2 asleep by 3:30 (today apparently it will be by 4:30)
wake up around 10
school year:
in bed by 11. asleep by midnight.
wake up at 6:00!

Elaine N said...

I am usually an early riser too. In college, I loved having 8 am classes and being done early in the day. Having babies moved the early to even earlier and I loved it. After retiring five years ago, I started sleeping in to 6:30. But after having covid earlier this summer, I'm totally gone amuck. I slept until 9:30 Sunday and it throws the entire day off.