Sunday, August 25, 2024

Snapshots: School and Beyond

This week . . .

Staring out the window on the school bus.

And at school, we are having recess on the track for the elementary kids, due to the construction that has left us without a playground again this year. The main drawback of the track is that it's exposed to all the sun and wind. Also, there are cacti.

Can you spot the uprooted baby barrel cactus?

I have the kids mark them for me with hula hoops when they find them, and then I go out after recess and dig them up.

My job at the school is nothing if not varied.

On to not-at-school things . . .

It's autumn at Walmart, apparently, if nowhere else.

Stuck on the frontage road, waiting on a paving crew. I sat here for twenty minutes. The guy holding the stop sign looked a lot more bored than I was.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Anonymous said...

Wondering if you are establishing a cactus garden--- MIL

Kit said...

Walmart may think it's fall, but in Maryland it's well up in the 80s and heading for the 90s later in the week. The only way you can tell fall is coming is that the days are getting shorter.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

It was 92 degrees when I got back in my car at that autumnal Walmart. Ha.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

No, they're establishing themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday in our front yard in St. Paul it was 100 degrees! Mary in MN