Sunday, September 22, 2024

Snapshots: Salad and Wet Football

One of my jobs at school is lunch monitor, and part of that is serving the elementary kids at the salad bar (middle school and up can serve themselves). I don't know if this is common in all schools now, but when I was a kid, we certainly never had access to a salad bar like this. 

So much to choose from.

This was a sandwich day, so it also included all the toppings for the sandwiches.

Every kid gets something from the salad bar every day, and it's great they have so many options.

On a less healthy note, my mother sent us home a couple of boxes of hot chocolate packets from our trip to Colorado, and this was a suggestion on one of the boxes.

Is it just me, or does this look like it would be impossible to actually drink with all that junk on the rim? To say nothing of cleaning a chocolate-encrusted mug. No, thanks.

Poppy and I stopped at church on our way back from the dump, and she asked if she could light a candle to say a prayer for A.'s dad, who had surgery a couple of weeks ago.

I love this girl so much.

I had promised to take the children to the home football game on Friday, so they could watch their friends on the JV team play. I still brought them even though there was pretty much a hundred percent chance of rain, for which I feel very virtuous.

Damp Friday night lights.

I also felt virtuous because I shared my umbrella with our priest, who was sitting in front of me on the bleachers without one when it started to pour. My umbrella was not quite big enough to cover us both fully, and my lower back got soaking wet, so I was damp and cold for the entirety of the varsity game. I think covering a priest with your umbrella comes with spiritual rewards, though, right? Right.

Lastly, for those of my family members that were concerned about my lack of dishwasher, rest easy. A. installed our new dishwasher on Wednesday.

Two for two on functioning appliances, hooray!

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


mbmom11 said...

Corporal work of mercy indeed!

Ringo said...

Ooh, that shallow top drawer of the dishwasher for lids and such - what a good idea. I'll remember that when it's time to replace mine. Do you find it works well?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Yes, although the lids, etc. trap all the water so when I unload it, I have to be careful not to dump the water all over.

Anonymous said...

Salad bar looks great. I wish Presbyterians had the candle tradition. It's a good one.
Does anyone take the raw onions? Mil

Anonymous said...

Salad bar does look great! Sweet, caring girl, that Poppy!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Yes, even some of the younger students. They're all very fond of pickles, too, which seems to be specific to here.

Anonymous said...

I always am saying “go from the bottom up” for anybody that’s trying to unload the dishwasher. Upon reflection, I think I sound pretty ridiculous, but I hate spilling the water and getting the other dishes, wet. 🤣

Andra said...

My daughter eats a salad almost daily, but it’s only offered at the high school level… She says she is only one of the few that she sees using it. She is also one of the few that doesn’t go around with the energy drinks.

Poppy is so sweet! I absolutely love when kids initiate doing stuff like that. Doing a great job Mom and Dad.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Anonymous: Oh yes, you definitely have to start at the bottom. It's just that if I pull the bottom shelf out too fast, the top one is jostled and spills water everywhere. Because most of the things on the top are plastic lids and so forth that pool water. I hate plastic for many reasons, and that is one of them . . .