Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Alien FFA Day

One of the unfortunate results of our school being under construction for two years now is that we have only one space big enough to gather together for assemblies and activities. It's the old gym. It's incredibly echo-y and loud, but also, it has the most unfortunate lights ever. They buzz and hurt your eyes, and for some reason, any photos taken in there turn out green.

But it's what we have to work with, and so we soldier on.

Last Wednesday was FFA Day. Our FFA chapter took the opportunity to present an Ag. in the Classroom activity for all the elementary kids. They all gathered together to talk about what FFA is and then they made some butter. They did this by giving each student a half-pint jar of heavy cream and telling them to shake it wildly.

Can you imagine the excitement for little kids? They have permission to spin around, jump up and down, shake and shimmy, and generally go wild AT SCHOOL! And then! There's butter! Which they got to choose mix-ins for--cinnamon/sugar, honey, chives, garlic powder, etc.--and eat on rolls.

Best afternoon ever. Even if it was green.

Seriously. What is up with this lighting?


Anonymous said...

It's the old flourescent lighting that causes a green cast, but don't ask me to explain the physics. Mil

Carla G said...

I remember making butter at school as a little kid! Definitely a great day. We just ate ours on saltines and no mix-ins. You all had an elevated experience ;⁠-⁠)

mbmom11 said...

My kids' elementary science teacher makes butter with the classes each year. I now have the habit of saving all small glass jars just in case this is the week. ( My kids are not good at telling me ahead of time.)
That light is green- gives a vaguely underwater feel.