Sunday, February 23, 2025

Snapshots: Seasons

I'm too old to use the acronym LOL, but that is, in fact, what this valentine from one of the other teachers at school made me do.

It's funny because it's true; this is what teenage boys sound like.

We've been buying cedar wood from the firewood guy, which smells really good and also sometimes has some really cool patterns inside.

Mostly it's just a red heart, but this one was striped.

And I'm guessing this on the outside was from some sort of insect.

We had a very cold and icy day at school on Wednesday. All the trees were coated in rime. 

I particularly liked this one with each individually coated needle.

I think this drawing of a dinosaur was an inevitable consequence of being a girl with three big brothers.

Girly, but with fangs.

When I told her I liked the rainbow, she very seriously told me, "That's an arc, not a rainbow. It doesn't have the right colors* for a rainbow." 

Got it.

Speaking of colors! It's Mardi Gras season, and we have decorated accordingly.

Mardi Gras banner and birthday banner together.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.

* I never had the sequence of the rainbow colors memorized until watching an episode of "The Cat in the Hat" on PBS like twelve years ago, from which I learned the rainbow song. Now I can never forget they go "red, orange, yellow, then green, followed by blue, indigo, and violet, that's the rainbow song for you!"

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