Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Forecast

Currently at Blackrock: 11 degrees and snowing outside, 30 degrees and icy in the north bedroom

Saturday's Forecast

Blackrock: 40 degrees with a 40% chance of rain
New Orleans: 79 degrees and sunny
Tucson: 74 degrees and sunny

It's definitely time to get the hell out of Dodge.


Anonymous said...

Can I come with you?

Anonymous said...

A needs to build you a sauna with a few sun lamps.

anita said...

Gee, sounds familiar (though not as bad)—20 degrees on the front porch, above freezing but not by much in the front of the house. However, it's a balmy sixty or so in the back, where the woodstove is (and where we sleep and work). We just store stuff in the living room.

But it's supposed to be in the sixties this weekend!

Anonymous said...

But the forecast for puppies in New Orleans and Tucson is 0%. I'm just sayin' Blackrock does have a few things going for it.

Kay said...

Aw come on Kristen.... it's above zero there now. don't be a whimp. ;o)

Looking forward to more puppies and lambs soon. I have calves here.

FinnyKnits said...


And have an EEGEE's for me. That also means fries. Because to have a sandwich with fries instead of chips is genius.

Susan said...

A little excited, are we?

Daisy said...

How are the puppies keeping warm?