Friday, October 9, 2009

Johnny On the Spot

In case you ever find yourself pregnant or otherwise weakened, it is extremely useful to have a husband who works from home. Then he can be prevailed upon to stack all the firewood on a weekday. Which A. did yesterday, pretty much by himself. He also split it as he went, which increases the workload by about 200%. After about an hour of me "helping," which consisted of trailing along after A. and the loaded wheelbarrow, stacking one piece of wood to about every five of A.'s, I went inside and took to the couch. With a heating pad on my back. Because I had apparently crippled myself by bending over for a whole half hour picking up black walnuts in the morning.

This impending man-cub has turned me into an 80-year-old woman.


Anonymous said...

A. splits & stacks the firewood, you gestate the man-cub. Sounds like equal division of labor (ha!) to me.

Anonymous said...

Yep, am betting A. would rather stack/split the wood than gestate and birth the man cub.

Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

You think that's a neat trick. By the time the man-cub is two years old, he will have turned you into your mother.

Word verification "furnalds" -- the tuft of wool left around a ram's genitals after being sheared.

Pat said...

Oh, gosh, I could hardly remember my comment after reading Drew's comments about his word verification. Gee. I got nothing.

FinnyKnits said...

Given the ambition of this child, you should perhaps be milking this Pregnant Lady thing a bit more. Because once he's running around the house, you'll be wishing you could just lie down.

Or so I imagine.

jean said...

Ha. Both jiveturkey and drew kime are right! Love it.

MsPicketToYou said...

oh girl.

there was something about no gardening when i was knocked up -- something about cat poop.

i miss those days: sitting on the porch steps, sweaty, watching him weed.

and then sciatica kicked in and was all? wait what?

Unknown said...

Center of gravity is shifted, ligaments stretch, leaving back muscles vulnerable. Heating pad set on low (don't want to cook man cub) is you friend.

Furnalds.... good one!