Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mmm, Pudding . . .

I'm kind of fixated on pudding at the moment. In particular, I'm fixated on the rice pudding that is sitting in our refrigerator right now. Well, what's left of it, anyway.

See, the MiL decided to make rice pudding on Tuesday night. Rice pudding is something I had never in my life eaten until I moved here. Which is probably a good thing, considering my total lack of control when it's around. I did manage to wait until about 11 a.m. yesterday before I ate any of the pudding the MiL had prepared the night before. But then I just kind of . . . kept eating it. I ate over half of the casserole of pudding by myself. It took all the restraint I could muster to leave some for A. and the MiL.

The MiL didn't eat all of the rest of it when she got home last night, however, which I discovered when I got up this morning. I don't know how she could resist. But that means that there's just a little bit, maybe a cup, left. And I really, really want to eat it for breakfast. But I know I should let A. have it, because he had so much less of it yesterday due to my gluttony.

And so the battle between my stomach and my conscience rages on.


I would be reluctant to state that rice pudding is my favorite kind of pudding, since of course good old chocolate pudding is also a contender. But then, the two don't really compare. I consider rice pudding to be more of a meal, while chocolate pudding is definitely a dessert.

Which gives me an idea . . . possibly the perfect meal would be rice pudding followed by chocolate pudding. Now there's a thought.

But enough of my random pudding fantasies. Tell me, poppets: What kind of pudding causes you to lose control? Chocolate? Vanilla? Tapioca? Or does the very thought of pudding make you ill? And if so, what is wrong with you?


Anonymous said...

mmmm, rice pudding is yummy, I eat it will a lump of strawberry jam.

mil said...

So here's the quandary: should I make rice pudding more often (it takes two and a half hours in the oven, with a stir every 30 minutes, so it goes well with watching a movie, yeah Netflix), or should I make bigger rice puddings (that was my dad's strategy)? Or is this an instance of the either/or fallacy?

My word: expanch (does that have something to do with pregnancy??)

Chiot's Run said...

I love rice pudding, I haven't made it in a long time. I like the baked custardy kind. I should make some soon. I'm not really a big pudding person, not my kind of thing. I'd rather have a cup of coffee or something, not a big sweet eater.

Stephanie Z said...

Chocolate pudding cooked on the stove. As soon as it starts getting thick I start eating it while it is still warm.Yum!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Kristen's own rice pudding and one for Mil and A. Then they can take bids when Kristen's is gone.
I like the filling when I am making coconut cream pie from scratch....but, before I put the coconut I guess maybe that is vanilla pudding , homemade.

word verification -- bhanyr

irish sign

Judi H said...

I'm with Stephanie Z, and I also like flan, a Mexican custard covered in caramel sauce.

Word verification: solab
What I'll be if I keep eating either one.

Anonymous said...

I love pudding, from Snack Pack to homemade. Bread pudding is on warning, though, because it sometimes contains detestable raisins.

I submit you eat the rest of the rice pudding. Technically, you could argue it's the baby's share.

Pat said...

I do love rice pudding with a little bit of cinnamon on top and a dollop of whip cream. Yum!

SaintTigerlily said...

My name is Saint Tigerlily and I do not like pudding.

Alicia said...

Vanilla pudding! I can eat the entire box of snack packs in 1 sitting!

Alyssa said...

There must be something wrong with me - I do not fantasize about pudding and find it kind of gross. I can't say I've never enjoyed it, but I can really only handle it in small amounts. I think it's the texture and the sweetness, it's just too much. Yuck!

Roger A. Post said...

If you were a milkmaid, and the MiL had a Guernsey cow, the surfeit of rich milk would mandate frequent, large batches of rice pud!

Anonymous said...

Although it was NOT part of our childhood, I now adore Tapioca pudding. With a sprinkle of fresh ground nutmeg. My god - when I make a batch, I will eat it 3 times a day until I have destroyed it. Now I need to make some....


dkaz said...

Good rice pudding is simply the best, especially a little warm (and I do prefer the kind with raisins)

FinnyKnits said...

First - a random story of gluttony:

Once, when I lived briefly with one of my best friends and her boyfriend (now husband), I randomly got a boxed cake mix and can of frosting from my mom (I was broke and sad and she let me raid her pantry) and came home and baked it up. It was a chocolate sheet cake with vanilla frosting. I covered it in foil and put it on top of the fridge (our storage) and said something about how I had made us dessert for the following night.

That was Sunday night.

Monday, I went to work and came home to find that my friend's boyfriend had eaten THE WHOLE THING.

A whole sheet cake. By himself. She didn't even get any.

He said he was sorry and then left the dirty dish in the sink for four days.

Second - I love all pudding. Though recently have developed a taste for tapioca that I wish I hadn't. It's very tempting. Chocolate pudding though, with whipped cream? FAVORITE.

Sara said...

I'm here to solve your problem: chocolate rice pudding! There you go.

I like rice pudding. And I like chocolate pudding cooked on the stove and then put in the fridge to develop the skin. I know most people don't like the skin, but our family does. We always got angry when someone else would go in the fridge and just take the top off all the pudding! And I'm with Jive Turkey: Bread pudding is good, as long as there are no heinous raisins (seriously, why ruin a whole dish with those things?).

Anonymous said...

Pudding, it's a good thing. In any form.

Anonymous said...

"How can you have your meat, if you don't eat your pudding" Pink Floyd. LA&A Railroad.

me again said...

Sara! Someone else who likes the skin! I thought I was the only one.....

I make heavenly rice pudding, if I do say so myself -- which I just did -- both a creamy stovetop version and a custardy baked version. Love it; it's my favourite pudding. Though chocolate and butterscotch are very, very good (and tapioca).

I also think rice pudding should be classified as a very healthy breakfast. You've got your grains, your dairy, your protein....what's not to love?


Seren Dippity said...

Does creme brulee count as a pudding?
No? Wikipedia says it is a rich custard base topped with a contrasting layer of hard caramel. It is served cold, or with the custard cold and the caramel warm.
Ok. so what's the difference between custard and pudding? Once again, Wikipedia. Pudding is milk based and custard is egg based.

I have recently fallen in love with creme brulee.

But pudding is good too. I like Chocolate, Tapioca... banana! ooooo I LOVE a good banana pudding with Nilla wafers.

I never, ever even had rice pudding. But I bet I'd like it.

I'm easy that way.

Susan said...

I made rice pudding for breakfast this morning, for the sole purpose of seeing my MiL's face when I told the kids to pipe down and finish their pudding.

It was delicious.