Friday, June 11, 2010

Stuff That Happened Yesterday

You're impressed with my incredibly creative title, aren't you? Yeah. I thought it was one of my better ones, myself.

1) I let Otty out of the dog pen and she immediately ran into the shed where she flushed a small woodchuck out from under the MiL's car and then took off with it to kill it and chew on it for awhile. Yet another entry for the Woodchuck Files. There are a lot of stories in those files.

2) A. finished his fencing off of the horribly overgrown and weedy magnolia area and let the sheep in to graze it down. There's nothing so satisfying as releasing the sheep into an overgrown mess and knowing they'll just eat it all down with no effort on our part and no need to buy gasoline for the mower or trimmer. Weeds+lambs=good eatin' in the fall. A winning situation if I've ever heard of one.

Unfortunately, the sheep are in with the mulberry tree, which is set to start raining down mulberries in the next couple of days. I'm giving the sheep two days to eat, and then I'm kicking them out of there, because I really do not need sheep dung on my mulberry-gathering tarp. And the sheep really do not need to be stained purple. Although that would be kind of funny.

3) I noticed that the elderflowers are ready for picking. Which means it's time to make some more elderflower champagne. WHEEE!

4) I saw the first flowers on the tomatoes. DOUBLE WHEEE!

5) I hilled potatoes. No whee.

And, um, that's all. Have a lovely weekend, poppets!


FinnyKnits said...

And, really, you can't have the rams...uh...ramming you while you pick berries now can you. Happy picking!

Anonymous said... you don't have to worry WHEN you are going to hill the is done.
Purple sheep...makes me grin. Tomato flowers... elderflower champagne again....we never did quite name that stuff...did we?

word verification 'redind'

The echo of a bell after you ring it.

Alicia said...

What kinds of things do you make with your mulberries?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Alicia: Juice. We drink a lot of it mixed with seltzer in the summer, and I also use it to make mulberry mousse (kind of like sorbet), mulberry liqueur, and various mixed drinks of my own invention.