Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rain, Rain, Come To Stay

Well, maybe not STAY, as I would really not like a repeat of last year's soggy and rotting garden season. But we've been getting nice thorough soakings every few days recently. This is much appreciated by all the growing things in the garden. Including the weeds. Which have completely taken over the one patch of ground I have not yet planted. That's the future spot for cucumbers, squash, and green beans, but at the moment all it's producing is an impressive crop of pigweed. I read once in Horticulture magazine that lots of pigweed is a sign of fertile soil. In which case, our soil is more fertile than Michelle Duggar.


I was going to plant that stuff today, but it's been raining since three this morning, so that's a no go on the planting plans. Instead, it appears I may have to take my sister up on her offer to Cubby-wrangle so A. and I can go to lunch.

Thank you, rain.


Anonymous said...

Hot dog ! Auntie will get to bond with Cubby. This should be an interesting story later.

word verification 'chess'


Just Me said...

Do it! It does a mama good to get to spend a little one on one time with the hubby after having a little one. Of course my littlest is 6 months old and that is yet to happen for us. The older kids kept an eye on the littlest in the car while hubby and I walked into the gas station to pay for gas together the other day. That is the closest thing to a date we have had in over 6 months. Enjoy while you have a chance.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your sister relished the Cubby-sitting after that, uh, DEER THING. And a nice meal sans baby is always good for recharging the batteries.